Variation Approvals

Preliminary Approvals overriding the planning scheme

As per Schedule 2 of the Planning Act 2016, a variation approval is part of a preliminary approval for premises that varies the effect of any local planning instrument in effect for the premises.

A preliminary approval to vary the effect of the planning scheme under section 242 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 is a variation approval in accordance with section 286 of the Planning Act 2016.

The table below provides links to view preliminary approvals varying the effect of a local planning instrument:

Note: While every care has been taken to keep this table up-to-date, the preliminary approval documents below are to be viewed in conjunction with Council's PD Online.

Preliminary Approval Relevant Documents Notes
Plan of Development 1 - Kensington Commercial Industry Estate 325.2005.14095.6 - Decision Notice for Request to Change Existing Approval (Kensington Stage 1-3)(PDF, 12MB) dated 27 June 2012 Decision Notice contains the Kensington Plan of Development (POD) 1 (Rev 1 - Feb 2012).
Plan of Development 2 - Kensington Aviation Business Precinct and Kensington Super Park Precinct Decision Notice contains additional Approved Plan/s and other changes which accompany the Plan of Development.
Plan of Development 3 - Kensington Master Planned Community 526.2019.148.1 – Decision Notice Change Application for Minor Change (Preliminary Approval – Subdivision)(PDF, 12MB) dated 22January 2020
  • Decision Notice contains changes to Approved Plans including the Plan of Development, as well as changes to conditions and the inclusion of additional conditions to facilitate staging.
  • Decision Notice contains the Plan of Development 3 - Kensington Master Planned Community POD 3 – Rev 4 – 02 November 2019.
Bundaberg Regional Aviation and Aerospace Precinct Commercial/Industrial Estate Plan of Development Decision notice includes amendments to Approved Plans and other minor and subsequent changes to conditions which accompany the Plan of Development.
59 Cummins Street, Bundaberg North 325.2016.46102.1(PDF, 3MB) – Negotiated Decision Notice dated 30 March 2017. Preliminary Approval for Material Change of Use (for various industry and related uses as detailed in the decision notice), incorporating a component to vary the effect of the planning scheme under section 242 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA).
Master Planned Residential Community (Headlands Coastal Community)
Logan Road, Innes Park
Note: Decision Notice includes amendments to Approved Plans, as well as prior changes to Approved Plans and conditions made as part of Decision Notice for Minor Change (526.2018.49.1). Preliminary Approval for Material Change of Use and Reconfiguring a Lot, incorporating a component to vary the effect of the planning scheme under section 242 of the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA).
Master Planned Residential Community
Coral Cove Drive, Innes Park
Minister’s Notice of Decision(PDF, 4MB) dated 13 November 2014.
Note: Minister decided on 27 March 2014 to exercise ministerial powers under the Sustainable Planning Act 2009 (SPA) and call in the development application.
Preliminary Approval for a material change of use for a master planned residential community (comprising low and medium density residential development and community uses) and a Preliminary Approval for a material change of use under Section 3.1.6 of the Integrated Planning Act (IPA), varying the effect of the Burnett Shire Planning Scheme 2006.
Elliott Heads Estate 526.2022.341.1(PDF, 6MB) - Decision Notice for Change Application for Minor Change dated 29 July 2022. Preliminary Approval for Material Change of Use for a Master Planned Community (including low, medium and high density urban residential development, commercial development, and community land uses), including a component overriding the Planning Scheme under Section 3.1.6 of the Integrated Planning Act 1997 (IPA).
Kevin Livingston Drive, Isis Central To view documents relating to this development approval, please Contact Council’s Development Group. Material Change of Use for Industry - Preliminary Approval under Section 3.1.6 of the Integrated Planning Act (IPA) that varies the effect of the Isis Shire Planning Scheme.
Hillview Master Plan
Bruce Highway, Childers
To view documents relating to this development approval, please Contact Council’s Development Group. Preliminary Approval for a Material Change of Use to permit a range of ‘Tourist Orientated’ land uses (as detailed in the negotiated decision notice) – relating to Lot 33 on RP912836.
Preliminary Approval for Material change of Use and Reconfiguring a Lot for two (2) management lots (lots 43 and 44), access easement/s and new road – relating to Lot 33 on RP912836.
134 Telegraph Road, Kalkie 521.2021.195.1(PDF, 27MB) - Decision Notice for Development Application for Reconfiguring a Lot for Subdivision (1 Lot into 199 Lots - 6 Stages) and Variation Request (Low Density Residential Zoning) dated 1 April 2021. Development Permit for Reconfiguring a Lot for Subdivision (1 Lot into 199 Lots - 6 Stages) and Preliminary Approval that varies the effect to the Bundaberg Regional Council Planning Scheme.
231 Bargara Road, Kalkie 522.2021.288.1(PDF, 3MB) - Decision Notice dated 28 September 2022. Preliminary Approval for a Material Change of Use for a Neighbourhood Activity Centre including a Service Station, Food and Drink Outlet and Health Care Service
including a Variation Request to vary the effect of the Bundaberg Regional Council Planning Scheme.
Murdochs Road, Moore Park Beach 525.2021.29.1(PDF, 2MB) - Decision Notice dated 21 May 2024 Development Permit for Reconfiguring a Lot (1 Lot into 19 Lots, being for 18 residential lots and 1 Commercial lot) and Preliminary Approval involving a variation request to vary the Local Planning Instrument.

Referral Agency responses and prior changes to the preliminary approvals above, can be found on PD Online here