Flood information

Burnett River flood information

In January 2013, ex-Tropical Cyclone Oswald produced extreme rainfall and flooding across Queensland in tandem with damaging winds including mini-tornados. Some of the most severe impacts centred on the Bundaberg Region with Bundaberg City experiencing its largest flood in recorded history with the Burnett River peaking at 3pm on 29 January 2013 at 9.53 metres (Bundaberg City gauge). North Bundaberg and other low-lying areas of the city were affected along with numerous coastal and rural communities along the Burnett River, Kolan River, Baffle Creek and other creek and river systems across the region.

The height of the flood impact on a property is naturally dependent on its location. The topography (contours) of the Burnett River catchment is varied and so too is the flood level. Flood heights on properties can be identified by utilising Council's flood inundation mapping, flood gauge system or by generating a Flood Planning Control Property Report on Council's interactive mapping.

With the assistance of a Community Reference Group, Council developed an Action Plan for the Burnett River Floodplain. More information on the Burnett River Floodplain Action Plan flood and inundation mapping developed as part of the Burnett River Flood Study can be viewed here.

Flood mapping

Bundaberg flood protection study

As a result of the devastation caused by ex-Tropical Cyclone Oswald the Queensland Government completed the Bundaberg Flood Protection Study in early 2017. Undertaken by independent consultant Jacobs Group (Australia) Pty Ltd, this study was a crucial component of the Queensland Government’s commitment to developing a 10-year action plan for flood mitigation works in Bundaberg.

The Bundaberg 10-year Action Plan was launched in Bundaberg on 6 June 2017 as a roadmap setting out the action required to reduce flood risks in Bundaberg. It builds on projects undertaken by Council and harnesses the collective knowledge of the Bundaberg community, experts and government to prioritise cost-effective flood mitigation solutions for the people of Bundaberg, their homes, property, businesses and the local economy. The flood mitigation options investigated as part of the Bundaberg 10-year Action Plan included Bundaberg North evacuation routes, Bundaberg East levee, Upper floodplain evacuation improvements and the Floodway property buy-back scheme.

The Bundaberg Flood Protection Study, Bundaberg 10-year Action Plan, and supporting material can be found at Queensland Government’s website here.

Flood Hazard Area Resolution 1/2024

Council at its meeting held 26 November 2024 adopted flood hazard areas for the purposes of section 8 of the Building Regulation 2021. The flood hazard area resolution takes effect from 20 December 2024.

The flood hazard areas designated by Council are shown in the mapping included in Council’s ‘Natural Hazard Evaluation Report – Flood(PDF, 219MB)’ and are utilised as flood hazard overlay mapping in Council’s interactive mapping.

The designated flood hazard areas include areas that Council has flood study/ modelled data available, as shown in table 1 of the Natural Hazard Evaluation Report - Flood(PDF, 219MB). For these areas, Council has declared defined flood levels (DFLs), maximum flow velocities and inactive or backwater areas (where this data is available) to ensure that particular building work takes into account the effects of flooding from the defined flood event (e.g. Burnett River 2013 flood event).

For areas that Council does not currently have flood study/ modelled data, Council has used the State Government's Interim floodplain assessment mapping (State Planning Policy mapping, previously released by the Queensland Reconstruction Authority). While there is no DFL or flow velocity data for these areas, the Planning Scheme includes criteria for development that is accepted subject to requirements and assessable development.

Information regarding the Council's flood hazard area resolution and associated building standards can be found below:

Flood Planning Control Property Report

Council offers a free Flood Planning Control Property Report to assist people requiring details about flood levels on properties within the Bundaberg Regional Council Area. The Flood Planning Control Property Report provides flood water levels for the range of flood events that make up Council's Flood Hazard Area. The report will also show the existing floor height of buildings where Council has this data available. Finally, the report will indicate the Minimum Habitable Floor Level for dwellings.

The Flood Planning Control Property Report is available free of charge from Council's interactive mapping. The guideline to generate the report is available here(PDF, 2MB) .

This report is primarily for development assessment and does not show the full range of flooding that may occur on a property. The report will only indicate flooding within Council's Flood Hazard Area (i.e. for the adopted events listed in table 1 of the Natural Hazard Evaluation Report(PDF, 92MB) . Council has limited flood data in rural and remote areas, however as new modelling results become available this information will be added to the Flood Planning Control Property Report.

Residents are reminded that more severe, but less likely, flood events can potentially occur on their property. Council's Disaster Management website and Burnett River Flood Gauge Mapping System provide more information about other potential risks to properties.

User Guides

To support the interpretation and implementation of these provisions, Council has developed an informative user guide(PDF, 1MB) to assist residents and business owners with the repairing and rebuilding process as a result of the 2013 flood event.

User Guide- Improving Resilience to Flood Induced Scour for Dwellings within a Flood Hazard Area(PDF, 1MB)