Managing a group/club/not for profit

Council aims to guide our community and sport organisations to remain strong and sustainable. Clubs and organisations require many tools and resources for future planning and day-to-day operations. We understand developing and finding these tools and resources can be time-consuming.

These resources are designed to help both community organisations and sporting clubs.

Accounting and finance

Keeping track of finances is more than bookkeeping. We recommend clubs always consult governing bodies and professionals; however these resources are a good foundation of knowledge.

  • The Australian Taxation Office supports groups to understand how to start an organisation, legal structures and obligations, plus deductible gift recipiency status.
  • CPA Australia provides information and resources relating to financial obligations for not-for-profit (NFP) organisations.

Useful Resources

Asset management

If your club or organisation leases or owns its premises, it is important to document and plan routine maintenance upgrades and decommissions.

Event management

Holding events doesn’t need to be stressful. Use these templates and tips to help you plan for success.

You can also list your event on our ‘What’s On Bundaberg’.

Resources for managing events:

Grants and funding

There is a large range of grant funding opportunities available to community and sporting clubs from all levels of government and other organisations targeting social issues. Knowing how to write grant applications, navigating application platforms (eg. SmartyGrants), keeping pristine records and submitting acquittal reports can make or break a successful application.

Councils Grants and funding programs page provides information on the streams of funding, grants policies, guidelines and strategic plans to support community organisations in meeting changing community, social, environmental and economic objectives.

Useful resources:

Marketing and communication

Promoting your club or organisation helps inform the community about your services and attracts sponsors, volunteers and members. We have provided some useful templates so you can showcase the great work that you do.

Sporting Clubs are encouraged to access the Sport Aus resources within Gamplan


Many community clubs are run by volunteers and it is important for meetings to run efficiently and effective. Keeping the committee on track and meeting OFT requirements aids delivery of valuable services and activities to the community and your club. We have included some tips and templates below to help.

Governing your club or organisation

This below resources contains templates and tips on how to govern your club or organisation’s business.

Related information:

  • The Australian Charities and Not-for-profit Commission assists charities to manage their obligations. Organisations can find information on how to develop a constitution (rules).
  • The Office of Fair Trading provides information on incorporated associations, charities and fundraising.
  • Work Safe Queensland provides a wealth of information on how to manage risk in the workplace. This also applies to unpaid work.
  • The Queensland Government Publications portal provides model rules (Constitution) for Incorporated Associations.
  • Child and youth risk management strategies and resources are available from the Queensland Government. They offer information on managing risk associated with working with children and young people.
  • Not for Profit Law is a charity providing legal information for community organisations and social enterprises. Information can be restricted to Queensland legislation.
  • Sport Aus – Gameplan provides a suite of resources to support and improve your clubs capabilities. Resource topics are inclusive of Finance, Governance, Infrastructure, Marketing & Communications, Participation, Child Safety and Inclusiveness, Strategic planning, risk management, and position descriptions.