Recycle right

Recycle right - recycling don'ts

The following are examples of what NOT to put in your recycling bin:

Nappies Garden hose
Tupperware Toys
Steel sheet / pipes Food waste (perishables)
Car parts Turps/ metho bottles
Plastic shopping bags Vacuum cleaner bags
Polystyrene Crockery / sheet glass
Pyrex Soft plastics (food packets / cling wrap) 
Garden waste Sharps / needles


Contact waste and recycling

Address: 46 University Drive
Bundaberg QLD 4670

Telephone: 1300 883 699

Waste & Recycling Programs

E-Waste, Fluorocycle, DrumMUSTER, Paintback, ChemClear, Container Refund Scheme (Containers for Change)

More Information