Botanic Gardens

History of the Botanic Gardens

Allocation of land

At the time of the original survey in 1881, 29 acres (11.6 hectares) was set aside for School Reserve and Botanic Gardens. The land was leased out and some areas were planted with sugar cane. Other areas now gazetted "Botanic Gardens" were water reserves and grazing leases. The lagoon next to Thornhill Street was a water supply for the Railways Department steam trains until the advent of diesel locomotives. The lagoons were also used by early settlers as a fresh water supply and a resting and watering place for cattle using the stock route.


In March, 1894, a submission was made to the Gooburrum Divisional Board to have the area gazetted Botanical Gardens with watering access for cattle and the neighbourhood. On the 4th April, 1894, Messrs. James Palmer, Samuel Johnston, R.S. Aiken and D.W. Mahoney were nominated Trustees of the Reserve for Botanical Gardens. On the 9th June, 1894 the land was proclaimed and gazetted Botanical Gardens and the four nominees were officially appointed by the then Governor of Queensland, Sir Henry Wylie Norman. On the 6th April, 1896, the Trustees asked that an additional five acres (2 hectares) of land be added to the Gardens, this area is now the site for Fairymead House, as this would be a good site for a Caretaker's Cottage. Despite objections from the Land Ranger of the time, the addition was granted in January, 1897.

Management handed to Bundaberg City Council

On the 16th May, 1912, the Council of the Shire of Gooburrum was made Trustees of the Reserve for Botanical Gardens. On the 21st March, 1918, the control of North Bundaberg and subsequently, the Botanical Gardens Reserve was handed over to the Bundaberg City Council, now the Bundaberg Regional Council. This action allowed the City Council to control, maintain and improve the reserve. The land had previously been under the control of the then Department of Public Lands.

Prior to the Bundaberg City Council taking control of North Bundaberg, an area on the south bank of the Burnett River, Queen’s Park, had been set aside for Botanical Gardens. The area contained two types of native plant communities, the lower alluvial soils supported closed forest (rainforest) with the higher areas supporting open eucalyptus forest (Sclerophyll forest). At some stage the gardens became infested with introduced grasses and weeds which supported fires, and as a result certain species may have been eliminated. Queen’s Park continues to be rich in species including rainforest, open forest and mangrove species.

Since the inception of the Botanical Gardens, the area has undergone some survey changes and has been leased out to various people for agricultural purposes. All original vegetation was cleared and the aquatic vegetation altered by the introduction of the exotic water plant, Eichornia crassipes (Water Hyacinth) at some time in the last century. The plant infestation was noted in a letter written by the Land Ranger on 11th July, 1918, during a dispute over leasing of the land. On the 18th December, 1990 the C.S.I.R.O. released a Weevil species into the third lagoon for the implementation of Biological control of the Water Hyacinth.

Additional Land

In 1981, the Bundaberg City Council requested and granted that other leasehold lands be added to the Botanical Reserve. Additional freehold lands were purchased in 1986 and added to the Reserve, giving a total area of 27.4 hectares. The present gardens were officially gazetted on 23rd June, 1988.


Planning and Establishment

Prior to European settlement, the land on which the present Botanic Gardens is situated consisted of three basic plant communities - Microphyll vine forest (vine scrub), Sclerophyll woodland (open forest), merging with Melaleuca (paperbark) wetland surrounding aquatic vegetation on the lagoons.

Due to the diversity of vegetation and the lagoons with the associated abundant wildlife, the area was an important meeting and food gathering place for the Aboriginal people of the surrounding area.


The soils in the Gardens vary from loams overlaying deep impermeable clay to organically rich loams to alluviums on the flats abutting Hinkler Avenue.

Concept Plan

The original concept plan was drawn up by the City's Landscape Planner, Mr. Les Rogers in November, 1981, however due to ill health and his untimely death, the planning was later carried out by Landplan Studios. In 1984, the East Bundaberg Rotary Club and the Hinkler Historical Society commenced on a plan to move the home, in which aviator Bert Hinkler lived in England, out to Bundaberg and have it placed in the Gardens precincts.

Lagoons and plantings

The original lagoon was excavated and made into three parts with a wildlife island developed mid lagoon now known as the Agnes Watson Lagoons.

1986 saw the commencement of tree and shrub planting in the North West section, the Rose Gardens, now named the Hinkler Garden, developed below Hinkler House, building a Ring Road, commencement of pathways and boardwalks and construction of the Kiosk and Restaurant, and the building of the train track.

Planting of the Rainforest and Sclerophyll forest sections were commenced and continued during 1987 and the pathways and boardwalks completed in the northern section of the Gardens.

Japanese Garden

Further planting continued during 1988 and the Historical Museum was completed. 1990 saw the commencement of landscaping of Fairymead House adjacent to Thornhill Street on the southern side of the Gardens.  During 2004, after many months of planning and design, a Japanese Garden was built on the north western side of Fairymead House as a tribute to Bundaberg’s sister city, Settsu, in Japan. Some exotic species were planted in the vicinity of Hinkler House and Kiosk.

Contact the Botanic Gardens

7 days a week 5:30 am to 6:45 pm September to April 6.30 am - 6 pm May to August

Address: Corner of Mount Perry Road
and Young Street,
Bundaberg North

Telephone: 1300 883 699