Trade waste

Does my business require approval?

Depending on your business type, you may need approval from Council before you discharge waste water to the sewerage system. Council’s trade waste team can advise you if you need to apply or not. If you are not sure, it is best to apply, even if we determine you do not need approval.

1. What is the approval process?

Once the signed application form has been submitted with the relevant hydraulic plans and/or service dockets to Council, the Trade Waste Officer will assess the application. A site inspection may be required prior to approval being issued.

A written approval will be issued to the applicant where Council’s assessment has established compliance for acceptance of trade waste discharge. Information obtained from the generator or from Council records, inspections and monitoring will be used to determine the criteria and conditions for the trade waste approval.

The approval will state the discharge criteria, pre-treatment options and schedule for maintenance and removal of regulated wastes.

Where a waste is deemed unsuitable for disposal to sewer, a trade waste approval will not be issued and alternative arrangements for disposal will have to be made by the applicant. General information on treatment and disposal options for non-sewerable waste may be obtained from the Department of Environment, Science and Innovation (DESI).

Should the applicant disagree with any of the stipulated terms or conditions of the approval, Council should be notified in writing within 20 days of the date of the approval, for further consultation.

2. Can an existing approval be reviewed or amended?

Yes.  An existing approval can be reviewed or amended at any time at the request of either Council or the applicant. Such a review may relate to:

  • determination of discharge quantity or quality
  • a change in operational details
  • a change in property details, including development, building or plumbing applications
  • an increase, decrease or other change in a trade waste generating activity
  • non-compliance or non-payment of fees
  • a complaint received from a third party
  • where it has been identified that Council’s sewer infrastructure may have, or could be, adversely affected by the discharge of trade waste from a property

3. I have sold my businesss, or moved premises,  Are trade waste approvals transferrable?

No. Trade waste approvals are not transferrable.  An approval is given to the person producing the trade waste or property owner and is both property and activity specific. When a business that produces trade waste changes ownership, the existing approval is terminated and the new tenant/owner must apply for a new approval. If the business has moved premises, a new application is required.

The property owner must notify Council in writing within 14 days of any change to the tenancy.

4. Can an approval be suspended or cancelled?

Yes. Grounds and procedures for suspending or cancelling a trade waste approval are specified in Section 182 (Suspending or cancelling trade waste approval) of the Water Supply (Safety & Reliability) Act 2008.

Terms and conditions of a trade waste approval in respect of any matter occurring before the suspension or cancellation of the approval, including the payment of all fees owing, shall continue to have force and effect after the termination of the trade waste approval.