Trade waste


What is trade waste?

All liquid waste generated by industry, small business and commercial enterprise is referred to as trade waste. Trade waste excludes domestic wastewater such as toilets, showers, hand basins and other domestic fixtures.

In some instances, trade waste may contain toxic or harmful substances, such as oil, heavy metals, solids, organic solvents or chlorinated organics. Uncontrolled or illegal discharge of trade waste may cause serious problems in the sewerage system such as flooding and overloading, blockages, corrosion, hazardous work environments and failure of the sewage purification process.

Bundaberg Regional Council is responsible for preventing these contaminants from entering the sewerage system, ensuring that the health and safety of the community and the environment are protected.

The Water Supply (Safety & Reliability) Act 2008 prohibits the discharge of non-domestic waste water into the sewerage system, unless you have prior authorisation from Council.

If you own a property, business or organisation which produces, or may produce, liquid trade waste, an application must be made to Council for approval.