Bulk water supply

Bulk Water Station

To ensure customers have continued access to water, Council has installed several bulk water filling stations within the region to enable easy access for all approved bulk water carriers. The water filling stations either contains a 50mm and/or a 100mm male camlock outlet.

The table below lists the locations where the water filling stations have been installed. To view a map of the location of the filling point you wish to use, click on the relevant location/address listed. A yellow circle identifying the approximate location of the filling station will appear in the map.

Suburb Location Supply Type Supply Size
Branyan University Drive(PDF, 1MB) Potable water 100mm
Bundaberg North Hinkler Avenue(PDF, 1MB) Potable water 100mm
Childers Crescent Street(PDF, 1004KB) (Please refer to above notice regarding CLOSURE times) Potable water 50mm
Childers GeorgeLane (off Ernest Street)(PDF, 1MB) Potable water 100mm
Cordalba Claytons Road(PDF, 1MB) Non-potable water 50mm
Gin Gin Bruce Highway(PDF, 1MB) Potable water 50mm & 100mm
Qunaba Cattermul Avenue(PDF, 2MB) Potable water 100mm

Using Commercial Water Carriers

Bundaberg Regional Council requires commercial bulk water carriers to be licensed with an approved BRC food license when carting potable drinking water for human consumption.

For property owners utilising commercial water carriers to deliver water to residential homes outside the declared water service areas, always use Bundaberg Regional Council's approved bulk water carriers to ensure your delivered water is safe to drink.

Please see the below approved commercial bulk water carriers (in Alphabetical order, not preference order).

  • Anytime Water
  • Bundaberg Water Holdings Pty Ltd (Troy Blinco)
  • Boundary Creek Transport Pty Ltd
  • Buck Scott Haulage
  • C & M Water Cartage
  • Clanfields Domestic Water
  • Domestic Water Delivery (Russell Clements & Lorena Smith)
  • Drought Breaker Domestic Water
  • H2O In A Hurry
  • Isis Water Services Pty Ltd
  • Kolan Transport Services
  • McCracken Water Cartage
  • PGS Contracting Pty Ltd
  • Platypus Water Transport
  • Rainman Domestic Water
  • Rannes Contracting
  • Rapid Water Cartage
  • Rexy's Water
  • XXX Water

Tag system and pricing

All approved pre-paid bulk water users have the option to purchase water, either by:

  • Bringing the touch tag to any Council Service Centre and make payment in person, or
  • Phoning 1300 883 699 during business hours to make payment over the telephone, quoting the touch tag number and utilizing Council's remote top-up payment process.

A bulk water touch tag can be credited with a maximum dollar amount of up to $990.00. If the remaining value on the tag plus the top-up value exceeds $990.00, the last remote top-up will remain pending. This pending top-up value will not be seen at the bulk water filling station until the remaining value plus the top-up value is the total of $990.00 or less.

For remote top-up payments only, the top-ups payments can only be added in $25.00 increments, for example: $25.00, $50.00, $75.00, etc.

Once payment has been received and credit is placed on the bulk water touch tag, the touch tag can then be used at any approved bulk water filling stations assigned to the bulk water touch tag. The amount of water taken, when using the bulk water touch tag, is recorded and the costs is then subtracted from the total available credit on the touch tag.

2024/25 bulk water pricing

Tag Price
Pre-paid application (one off payment for purchase of tag) $92.00
Commercial application $364.00
Commercial annual renewal $347.00
Cost of replacement tag $76.00
Potable water $2.30 per kilolitre
Non-potable water $1.80 per kilolitre

How do I apply for bulk water?

Council uses an application and approval process to manage the access and safe operation of bulk water filling stations within the Bundaberg Regional Council area.

To apply for a pre-paid or commercial tag, please click on the button below to download an application form. NOTE: For a pre-paid tag you will need to submit this application form at one of Council's Customer Service Centres between 8:15am and 4:45pm to obtain a bulk water tag and to top it up with the required dollar amount.

Bulk water application form(PDF, 616KB)

Please note, if you are applying for a commercial tag and are not registered as a debtor with Council, you will also need to submit an ‘Application for Credit Account’.

Application for credit account(PDF, 313KB)

For Council's full terms and conditions on bulk water, please click on the button below.

Bulk water terms and conditions

Operating a bulk water filling station

The bulk water filling stations have been provided to assist the community and businesses within the region to have easy access to Council’s water infrastructure. While the Council has provided these bulk water filling stations care must be taken by each approved applicant to ensure that all employees or persons acting on the applicants behalf takes responsibility to prevent any injury to person or property.

Note: all road and traffic regulations must be adhered to by the operator of the vehicle when approaching and exiting the bulk water filling station.

50mm bulk water filling station

All 50mm bulk water filling stations consist of a station cabinet for receiving and removing of appointed tag and dispensing / delivery hose. To use the filling station please follow the below instructions:

  1. Position the single container e.g. 1,000 litre tote container) directly under the dispensing / delivery hose.
  2. Insert the bulk water filling tag into the receiving port of the bulk water filling station cabinet.
  3. Note that for every pulse of the tag the filling station will dispense 100 litres of water into the single container. When the display reaches the desired amount, remove the bulk water filling tag from the receiving port.
  4. Wait for water to stop flowing before the removal of the hose from the container.

100mm bulk water filling station

All 100mm bulk water filling stations consist of a station cabinet for receiving and removing of appointed tag and 100mm camlock fitting (outlet). To use the filling station please follow the below instructions:

  1. Position the water carrying vehicle so that the filling hose will reach the outlet of the bulk water filling station.
  2. Connect the filling hose from the bulk water carrying vehicle to the outlet of the bulk water filling station.
  3. Open the ball valve at the outlet of the bulk water filling station so that the handle of the outlet is parallel with the ball valve.
  4. Insert the bulk water filling tag into the receiving port of the bulk water filling station cabinet.
  5. Note that for every pulse of the tag the filling station will dispense 100 litres of water into the carrying vehicle. When the display reaches the desired amount, remove the bulk water filling tag from the receiving port.
  6. Wait for water to stop flowing and then close the ball valve at outlet of bulk water filling station.
  7. Disconnect filling hose from bulk water filling station before removing the water carrying vehicle.

Bulk water FAQs

What is the difference between a pre-paid and commercial tag?

Pre-paid tags are issued to individuals and companies who do not require a food license. These tags can be processed at the time of application and can be topped up with dollar value up to $990.00 at the following locations:

Bundaberg Administration Centre
190 Bourbong Street, Bundaberg

Childers Service Centre
45 Churchill Street, Childers

Gin Gin Service Centre
4 Dear Street, Gin Gin

Commercial tags are only issued to registered businesses and require a credit account to be set up with Council to enable tax invoices to be issued for water consumption.

What other water supply options are available for businesses?

Metered standpipes are also available for hire from Council.

Can I fill a 1,000 litre tote at a 100mm filling station?

A 1,000 litre tote can be filled at a 100mm filling station although you will be required to supply your own camlock fitting and a delivery hose. It is recommended that the hose size be reduced to 50mm which will slow the fill rate.