Minor work
Minor work must be performed by a QBCC licensee but doesn’t need to be approved by the local government or reported to QBCC.
Minor work includes:
- unblocking sanitary plumbing or sanitary drainage
- repairing a broken or damaged pipe
- maintaining or repairing an apparatus
- installing, replacing or removing an apparatus, other than:
- a dual check valve with atmospheric port;
- a temperature control device;
- a testable backflow prevention device; or
- a water heater
- maintaining, repairing, replacing or removing a fitting or fixture
- maintaining or repairing a greywater use facility or an on-site sewage facility, other than repairing or maintaining an irrigation system for the disposal of effluent from the facility
- installing a greywater diversion device
- maintaining, repairing or replacing a fire hydrant or fire hose reel, unless schedule 3, section 2 applies to the work
- sealing a supply pipe downstream from the water meter for a class 1 or 10 building or structure
- installing, removing or replacing an automatic switching device for a rainwater tank.