The application process

Happy family in front of house

There's No Place Like Home - Bundaberg Housing Incentive Program

Promoting Residential Development in the Bundaberg Region

The need for new housing to cater for the Bundaberg Region’s rapidly growing population has never been greater.  To help get more homes built, the Council has launched the There’s No Place Like Home – Bundaberg Housing Incentives Program. As part of this initiative, Council is offering a range of measures that will incentivise the delivery of more housing, reducing costs for developers both big and small, as well as streamlining approval processes.

There’s No Place Like Home – Bundaberg Housing Incentives Program will commence on 1 October 2024 and run until 30 June 2025. The program consists of delayed payment of infrastructure charges for residential subdivision, application lodgement fee discounts for infill residential development, infrastructure charges discounts for infill residential development, the Fast Track Housing Assessment Team, and several existing initiatives. 

There's No Place Like Home Fact Sheet


Delayed Payment of Infrastructure Charges for Residential Subdivision

The intent of this incentive is to reduce the upfront costs of residential subdivision by delaying the payment of infrastructure charges for a period of two years, or until the lots created are “on sold”, whichever is the sooner.

For clarity, the following program definitions are provided: 

Residential subdivision means - 

Residential development for Reconfiguration of a Lot. 

Residential Development Means  – 
For the purposes of Reconfiguring a Lot applications, an application for subdivision creating one or more additional lots within a Residential zone or Emerging community zone, where subject to a Local Area Plan, is considered a residential development.

Any residential subdivision which has a current development permit may be eligible for the delayed payment incentive. However, any trunk infrastructure works associated with the subdivision must be accepted “on maintenance” prior to being approved for delayed payment of Infrastructure Charges. 

Key points to note –

  • Payment of infrastructure charges may be delayed for up to two years.
  • The property owner and Council will enter into an infrastructure agreement (IA) to secure the obligations of both parties.
  • The plan of survey for the development must be endorsed within six months of entering the IA.
  • Projects which are incentivised through some other scheme would not be eligible for delayed payment of Infrastructure Charges.

As noted above, the obligations of both parties are will be secured by way of an Infrastructure Agreement, which the applicant must enter into prior to the sealing of the survey plan for reconfiguring a lot.

The IA will include the following requirements:

  • Infrastructure Charges are to be applied in accordance with the Charges Resolution and relevant Charges Notice in place at the time the agreement is entered into. 
  • All trunk infrastructure works to be delivered by the development, or stage of development relevant to the request, are complete and have been accepted on maintenance.
  • Upon approval of the plan of subdivision by Council, the Plan of Survey is to be lodged with the Queensland Titles within a period of two months.
  • Upon receipt by Council of the titles notification for each Lot created, Council will attach the value of the Infrastructure Charge for each lot as a charge. Should the charge not be paid within the required time it will be transferred to the rates for the property where it will start to attract interest as an outstanding charge.
  • Infrastructure Charges attached to the property must be paid when the Lot is transferred in ownership, or within two years of the issuance of a title, whichever is the sooner.
  • Interest on the outstanding Infrastructure Charge will not be applied by Council so long as the charge is paid when required.

To make an application for delayed payment of Infrastructure Charges you may submit the Delayed Payment of Infrastructure Charges - Online Application Form or alternatively complete the PDF form and return it via email to

Please note, the detailed program rules and definitions are available to view attached to the application forms. 


Infill Residential Development

Council is incentivising infill residentail development, as increasing the uptake of further development in existing urban areas offers benefits to the community and Council, including increasing housing supply close to employment opportunitites and community services, and making better use of existing assets. Infill residential development is generally able to be delivered sooner as it does not necessitate the provision of new infrasturcture, particularly trunk infrastructure. 

Definitions for Program Use

The following definitions have been adopted to provide parameters for what constitues infill residential development. 

Residential Development Means  – 
For the purposes of Reconfiguring a Lot applications, an application for subdivision creating one or more additional lots within a Residential zone or Emerging community zone, where subject to a Local Area Plan, is considered a residential development.  

For the purposes of Material Change of Use and Building Works applications, the following use types are considered residential development, and are listed in the residential activities group listed in Schedule 1 of the Planning Scheme: 

  • Caretakers accommodation; 
  • Community residence; 
  • Dual Occupancy;
  • Dwelling House; 
  • Dwelling unit; 
  • Multiple Dwelling
  • Rooming Accommodation;
  • Secondary Dwelling; and
  • Workforce accommodation.

Infill Residential Development means – 
Means residential development located on land which is: 

  • situated within an existing suburb or township; 
  • substantially surrounded by existing urban development; 
  • fully serviced by urban roads, reticulated water supply and sewer infrastructure, or proposed to be fully serviced as part of the development; 
  • was less than one (1) hectare in area on 1 August 2024 and is less than one (1) hectare in area on the date of application for a discount under this policy; 
  • located within the identified Priority Infrastructure Area of the Bundaberg Regional Council Planning Scheme 2015; and 
  • does not constitute a stage of a larger development that does not otherwise meet the criteria of this definition.

If your development proposal complies with the definition for Infill Residential Development you may recieve the following assistance:

  1. 50% reduction in application lodgement fees (applied automatically on lodgement); and Application types which are eligible include any of the following where for infill residential development:
    • Material Change of Use Reconfiguring a Lot
    • Planning Building Works
    • Operational Works
    • Change Applications
    • Extension applications
    • Approval of Plans of Subdivision
    • Exemption Certificates
    • Concurrence Referrals.
  2. 50% reduction in the levied infrastructure charges, subject to the development being completed within 2 years of approval for the discount.
    • An application is required for Infrastructure Charges Discounts.
    • The property owner and Council will enter an agreement to secure the obligations of both parties.
    • The development must be completed within two years of approval for the incentive.
    • Projects which are incentivised through some other scheme would not be eligible for Infrastructure Charges Discounts.

As noted above, application fees are calculated on lodgement with any eligible discounts applied automatically. If you have any questions regarding the applciation lodgement fees for your proposal or regarding a fee sheet you have been issued, please contact the Development Group via email to

To make an application for delayed payment of Infrastructure Charges you may submit the Infrastructure Charges Discount - Online Application Form or alternatively complete the PDF form and return it via email to

Please note, the detailed program rules and definitions are available to view attached to the application forms.  


Other Residential Development

Other residential development may also benefit from existing Infrastructure Charge discounts, including for Housing Choice and Affordability, and from reduced application fees. 

Infrastructure Charges Discounts 

The Housing choice and Affordability discount is applicable to development providing for increased diversity or residential densities as follows: 

  1. Residential subdivision - for each stage of development:
    • net residential density 10 to 12.5 lots/ha - 5% discount 
    • net residential density greater than 12.5 lots/ha - 10% discount 
  2. Multiple dwellings or Dual occupancy use:
    • dwelling with 3 or more bedrooms - 15% discount 
    • dwelling with 2 bedrooms - 15% discount 
    • dwelling with 1 bedroom (discount is calculated off the amount for a dwelling with 2 bedrooms) - 40% discount 

Reduced Application Fees 

Council carried out a review of fees and charges for the lodgement of development applications in preparation to adopt the current 2024/25 Adopted Fees and Charges. 

During this process it was identified that the application lodgment fees for several types of Material Change of Use applications could be reduced. This included: 

  • Dwelling house;
  • Secondary dwelling;
  • Dual occupancy;
  • Multiple dwelling (base fee); and
  • Home based business. 

If you are looking to develop in the Bundaberg Region, the Council is here to assist. To find out how we can help you, please contact the Development Group on 1300 883 699 or email us on


Fast Track Housing Assessment

Council has established a Fast Track Housing Assessment Team with the view of prioritising the assessment of residential development applications. This is to further assist with the delivery of residential development in a timely fashion, during a time where increasing the housing supply is critical. 

The assessment of development applications (MCU/ROL/BW) for housing will be fast-tracked as follows: 

  1. Decision period of 10 days or less for Infill Residential Development where:
    • The application is code assessable;
    • It is not proposed to build within an easement or over Council infrastructure; and 
    • The development is not located within a flood hazard area. 
  2. Decision period of 25 days or less for all other code assessable Residential Development

Eligibility for fast tracking of applications is automatically confirmed on lodgement of the application. You will be notified by the assessing officer if your application has been identified to be fast tracked. 

Please view Council's Preparing an Application information for further information on how to make a properly made application. 


Helping in Other Ways

In addition to the above financial incentives and streamlined processes, Council provides a range of other measures to assist residents and developers with their development projects including:

  • Free Duty Planner advice, with a planner available daily to provide in-person, telephone or email advice; 
  • Free Pre-lodgement meetings and written advice; 
  • Easy-to-access planning information on Council’s website
  • Unlocking more development opportunities through undertaking further local planning

If you are looking to develop in the Bundaberg Region, the Council is here to assist. To find out how we can help you, please contact the Development Group on 1300 883 699 or email us on


Contact Development Group

If you are looking to develop in the Bundaberg Region, the Council is here to assist. To find out how we can help you with your development proposal or if you need more information about There’s No Place Like Home, please contact the Development Group.

Address: Level 6, Auswide Building, 16-20 Barolin Street, Bundaberg

Telephone: 1300 883 699

Bundaberg Local Housing Action Plan

The adoption of There's No Place Like Home aligns with the BLHAP.

Bundaberg Local Housing Action Plan