Enquiries and prelodgement meetings
Development enquiries
Bundaberg Regional Council is committed to providing excellence in service and strengthening relationships with the community and the development industry.
If you have a development enquiry and would like to contact Council, please choose from the following options:
General development enquiries
For general development enquiries, please contact Council’s Regional Growth and Development directorate by emailing duty.planner@bundaberg.qld.gov.au
Development and building complaints
For development and building complaints, please contact Council’s Development Compliance team by emailing ceo@bundaberg.qld.gov.au
Call us
Please phone 1300 883 699 for all enquiries to Council.
In writing
All written correspondence should be addressed to:
The Chief Executive Officer
Bundaberg Regional Council
PO Box 3130
Bundaberg Qld 4670
Visit Council’s development counter
For development enquiries, Council’s Development Counter is located at Auswide Building, Level 6, 16-20 Barolin Street, Bundaberg Qld 4670.
Pre-lodgement Advice
Council offers a free service for prospective applicants and developers where they can attend pre-lodgement meetings or request written pre-lodgement advice.
- Pre-lodgement meetings are attended by senior officers within Council’s Regional Growth and Development Team who are also decision makers.
- Written pre-lodgement advice may be provided in the form of a formal advice document which is prepared by senior officers within Council’s Regional Growth and Development Team, or alternatively (for less complex enquiries) may be provided in email format from Council’s Duty Planner.
The pre-lodgement service provides an opportunity for a prospective applicant to meet with Council officers and discuss a proposed development, with Council Officers providing high-level advice in order to identify and resolve assessment matters prior to lodgement of a development application. The purpose of this service is to assist applicants in preparing a well-made development application and to help streamline the development assessment process.
More information regarding this pre-lodgement meeting service can be viewed in the Factsheet – Pre-lodgement meetings(PDF, 668KB).
Please note: While Council will endeavour to provide relevant advice through pre-lodgement meetings, this advice does not limit Council’s broader responsibility to assess development applications in accordance with relevant Legislation. Prospective applicants may benefit from the assistance of a development consultant to provide independent planning advice and manage the development application process on their behalf.
Request Pre-lodgement Advice
To request a Pre-lodgement Meeting or Advice, please complete our Request for Pre-lodgement Advice form.
Please note, all requests are reviewed by senior officers within Council’s Regional Growth and Development Team to determine the appropriate format in which the pre-lodgement advice will be provided. For less complex enquiries you may be provided with written advice or contacted by Council’s Duty Planner in the first instance.