Think Food Safe


Why look for the Think Food Safe logo?

Think Food Safe aims to enhance food safety awareness for consumers.

If a business is displaying a Think Food Safe sticker, it indicates the business has taken specific actions in their commitment to elevating their food safety practices. The sticker signifies that during the last food safety inspection the business demonstrated compliance with food safety legislation.

Keep an eye out for the green Think Food Safe sticker next time you purchase food in the Bundaberg Region.

Relax, eat safe and enjoy.

What does a business need to achieve to display the logo?

The business must adhere to the Australian Food Safety Standards, be part of the Think Food Safe program and remain a compliant food business, including maintaining records of proactive food safety checks.

This proactive approach helps businesses identify food safety risks and to act before selling potential hazardous food to customers.

What if a business does not have a logo?

Participating in the Think Food Safe program is optional, therefore, not displaying the Think Food Safe logo does not mean the food is unsafe.

If a business used to display the Think Food Safe logo and now does not, it could mean the business is no longer compliant or has new owners who have chosen not to opt into the Think Food Safe program.

Some businesses, such as temporary food stalls that appear at one-off events are not eligible to participate in the program and do not display the Think Food Safe logo.