Biosecurity Plan
The Bundaberg Biosecurity Plan provides a guide for invasive species management in the region. It supports the implementation of the Qld Biosecurity Act 2014 by facilitating a co-ordinated approach to the management of invasive species. This plan (and legislation that underpins it) is based on the premise that biosecurity in the Bundaberg Region is everyone’s responsibility.
The plan is for the entire local government area. It relates to all lands and waters (excluding marine) and provides a framework to facilitate the co-ordinated management of invasive plants, such as the well known 'rats tail grass' (Giant Rats Tail), and animals in the Bundaberg region. It includes invasive plants and animals identified in the Biosecurity Act 2014 as well as other invasive species identified as having significant local impacts.
2025 Surveillance Program for Prohibited and Restricted Matter