Native plants and animals

Aussie Bird Count

Join in the Aussie Bird Count, October 16 - 22, 2023

Make a difference for bird conservation by giving a moment of your time to count the birds that are counting on you. Participate in the Aussie Bird Count during Bird Week and use your observation skills for a 20-minute period to make a simple but important contribution to Birdlife Australia’s conservation initiatives. 

Collecting this data at the same time each year allows Birdlife Australia to look at the trends in our bird communities over time. Think of birds as a barometer for nature, as their health and wellbeing is one of nature’s best indicators. 

How does it work?

Each year people across the country head out to their front yards, backyards, courtyards, parks and play areas to count how many birds they see in a 20 minute period to provide a snapshot of Australia’s more common bird species. It’s a fun, simple and safe activity observing nature, which is proven to provide benefits to mental health and wellbeing. For more information on the event and how to register visit the Aussie Bird Count website.

Join Council in monitoring our local birds and help track pest bird species

Bundaberg Regional Council's Natural Areas team registered for the Aussie Bird Count in 2022. Read the report outlining the number of people who participated in the Count, and the number and types of native and pest bird species sighted in the Bundaberg region.

Natural Areas will be registering for this national event again in 2023 and encourage the community to join in this important event. The Natural Areas team and Land Protection Officers are interested in sightings of the Indian Myna, a pest bird species that impacts our native birds by competing for food and nesting hollows. Sightings and associated data will help inform our Indian Myna management program.

Visit a natural area

We encourage the community to visit a natural area in the Bundaberg region during this event to help gather important bird data. Find your closest natural area here.


There are some amazing prizes being given away as part of this year’s count. For more information head to the Aussie Bird Count website

Free colouring in 

Birdlife Australia have put together a range of colouring in sheets. You can access them via this booklet or download individual colouring in pages from the Aussie Bird Count website.


Help share the event by printing off a poster for your school or workplace.


Discover what type of bird you are, test your bird identification skills and knowledge of Aussie birds in these fun quizzes.


