Development infrastructure and charges
Charges Resolution (No.1) 2021
Council at its Ordinary Meeting held 21 December 2021 adopted Charges Resolution (No.1) 2021(PDF, 4MB) for the purposes of setting infrastructure charges under the Planning Act 2016. This resolution took effect 1 March 2022 and replaces Council’s previous charges resolution(PDF, 5MB) (now superseded) adopted in 2020.
Council’s charges resolution seeks to achieve a balance between affordability and sustainability, with infrastructure charges mostly below the State cap. Factsheet – Charges Resolution (No.1) 2021(PDF, 512KB) includes a summary of the changes made in the latest resolution.
View Charges Resolution (No.1) 2021(PDF, 4MB)
Attachment 4 has been updated to reflect increases to the prescribed amounts in Schedule 16 of the Planning Regulation 2017 (increased in-line with the Producer Price Index (PPI) as per s 112 of the Planning Act 2016). These updated infrastructure charges take effect from 1 July 2024.
Updated Attachment 4 - Adopted Charges Schedule - From 1 July 2024(PDF, 185KB)
This replaces the previous (now superseded) Attachment 4 - Adopted charges schedule - From 13 November 2023 to 30 June 2024(PDF, 262KB).
Projects of Regional Significance Infrastructure Charges Incentives
Bundaberg Regional Council is firmly committed to supporting projects of regional significance and has developed a new incentive to facilitate development of regionally important projects that involve significant job creation and investment in building construction work.
Factsheet – Projects of Regional Significance(PDF, 605KB) provides information about this new incentive, which opens to applications from 1 March 2022.
View Application Form
Infrastructure Charges Register
In accordance with the Planning Regulation 2017, Council is required to keep a register of all infrastructure charges levied with approved developments. This infrastructure charges register will be updated monthly and is available below. To support this register, any Infrastructure Charges Notice issued with a development approval will be available for download on Council's PD Online service from 1 January 2020.
As part of the register, Council is also required to list all trunk infrastructure delivered by Council or developers. This summary of trunk infrastructure delivery will be updated quarterly as soon as practicable following the close of the quarter. The quarterly trunk infrastructure summary report is available below. As the quarterly reports are produced, a summary of trunk infrastructure delivery for the entire financial year will be displayed in the infrastructure charges register.
Finally, Council is also required to provide a forecast of infrastructure charges revenue and expenditure for the next four years. This report will include the actual infrastructure charges revenue and expenditure for the previous financial year. In accordance with the requirements in the Planning Regulation 2017, Council will provide this forecast before 1 December 2020.
View Charges Register(PDF, 464KB)
Quarterly Trunk Infrastructure Summary Report
- 2023/2024 Q4 - Quarterly Trunk Infrastructure Summary Report(PDF, 224KB)
- 2023/2024 Q3 - Quarterly Trunk Infrastructure Summary Report(PDF, 183KB)
- 2023/2024 Q2 - Quarterly Trunk Infrastructure Summary Report(PDF, 281KB)
- 2023/2024 Q1 - Quarterly Trunk Infrastructure Summary Report(PDF, 304KB)
- 2022/2023 Q4 - Quarterly Trunk Infrastructure Summary Report(PDF, 258KB)
- 2022/2023 Q3 - Quarterly Trunk Infrastructure Summary Report(PDF, 196KB)
- 2022/2023 Q2 - Quarterly Trunk Infrastructure Summary Report(PDF, 246KB)
- 2022/2023 Q1 - Quarterly Trunk Infrastructure Summary Report(PDF, 126KB)
- 2021/2022 Q4 - Quarterly Trunk Infrastructure Summary Report(PDF, 144KB)
- 2021/2022 Q3 - Quarterly Trunk Infrastructure Summary Report(PDF, 102KB)
- 2021/2022 Q2 - Quarterly Trunk Infrastructure Summary Report(PDF, 223KB)
- 2021/2022 Q1 - Quarterly Trunk Infrastructure Summary Report(PDF, 147KB)
- 2020/2021 Q4 - Quarterly Trunk Infrastructure Summary Report(PDF, 167KB)
- 2020/2021 Q3 - Quarterly Trunk Infrastructure Summary Report(PDF, 205KB)
- 2020/2021 Q2 - Quarterly Trunk Infrastructure Summary Report(PDF, 188KB)
- 2020/2021 Q1 - Quarterly Trunk Infrastructure Summary Report(XLSX, 166KB)
- 2019/2020 Q4 - Quarterly Trunk Infrastructure Summary Report(PDF, 115KB)
- 2019/2020 Q3 - Quarterly Trunk Infrastructure Summary Report(PDF, 181KB)
Annual Trunk Infrastructure Charges Report
Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP)
The Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP) has been developed to ensure that land use planning and development is aligned with, and can be serviced by, Council’s trunk infrastructure.
The LGIP seeks to integrate and coordinate land use and infrastructure planning, as well as ensure that trunk infrastructure is planned and provided in an efficient and orderly manner.
The LGIP identifies the following infrastructure networks for the community:-
- Transport
- Water
- Wastewater
- Stormwater
- Public parks and community facilities land
Council’s LGIP is included at Part 4 - Local Government Infrastructure Plan of the Bundaberg Regional Council Planning Scheme.
The supporting material associated with the development and review of the LGIP are as follows:
To find out more about the LGIP, view our Fact Sheet – Development Infrastructure and the Local Government Infrastructure Plan.
Planning Scheme Policy for Development Works
The Planning Scheme Policy for Development Works seeks to provide a uniform standard for infrastructure and works associated with development across the Bundaberg Region. As such, the planning scheme policy applies primarily to operational works and the engineering and civil works aspects of other types of development.
While the planning scheme policy provides standard provisions, the policy still provides some flexibility and does not prevent or discourage alternate solutions for individual development sites.
Matters covered in the planning scheme policy include:-
- Roads, driveways, pathways and cycleways;
- Water and wastewater;
- Stormwater;
- Open space, public parks and land for community facilities;
- Landscaping;
- Electrical and Lighting;
- Environmental requirements;
- Earthworks;
- Telecommunications;
- Gas supply; and
- Operational works, construction, inspection, maintenance and bonding procedures
This planning scheme policy is intended to be read in association with the relevant codes in the planning scheme, including the Works, services and infrastructure code, Transport and parking code, Landscaping code and Reconfiguring a lot code.
Standard Drawings
Bundaberg Regional Council Planning Scheme identifies a list of standard drawings in the Planning Scheme Policy for Development Works (Appendix SC6.3A Standard drawings list).
Council provides standard drawings for the following: -
- Roads – Bundaberg Regional Council
- Roads – Institute of Public Works Engineering Australasia Queensland Division (IPWEAQ) Standard Drawings
- Stormwater – Bundaberg Regional Council
- Stormwater – IPWEAQ
- Water and wastewater - WBBROC
- Open space, public parks and land for community facilities
- Tree Planting Details - Bundaberg Regional Council
Standard drawings provide construction layouts and details of infrastructure assets that are acceptable to Bundaberg Regional Council.
View Council’s Standard Drawings(PDF, 14MB) (current adopted version)
View Standard Drawings - May 2022 Version(PDF, 23MB) (not yet adopted)
Standard Drawings - Amendment Register(PDF, 554KB)
On 1 September 2017 Bundaberg Regional Council adopted the Asset Design As Constructed (ADAC) standard to provide For Construction and As Constructed information for assets provided by the Development Industry.
ADAC is a data specification platform which enables the efficient capture and storage of civil infrastructure asset data. It is open source and adopted widely by Councils and Utilities across Australia. ADAC is the industry standard for public works infrastructure.
View Guidelines for Creation and Submission of ADAC XML Files