Multi-residential, Commercial / Industrial or amalgamation / subdivision, are any developments that are not classed, by the Service Provider, as low density properties (for example: a single dwelling, a single dwelling with secondary dwelling or residential vacant land).
The NTSP application form is a multi-purpose form to assist any proposed development wishing to do one or more of the following:
- Connection to water / sewer infrastructure;
- Disconnection from water / sewer infrastructure;
- Alterations to water / sewer infrastructure;
- Additions / extensions to water / sewer infrastructure;
- Installation of water connections for potable; fire; and/or sub meters
- Disconnection of water connections for potable; fire; and/or sub meters.
Each proposed development will be unique therefore to assist us with the assessment and approval process, each application will require one or more of the following:
- Submission of the NTSP application;
- Site plan of the proposed development;
- Floor plan of the proposed development;
- Hydraulic plans showing the water and sewer requirements; and
- A plan showing the proposed location of the water property service and master meter; sub meters and/or dedicated fire service and meter
The associated costs will vary with each application, depending on the size of the water / fire connections, sub meters and if the proposed development will affect the water and/or sewer infrastructure.
Any multi-unit development requiring sub-meters and involves construction of more than 4 units, a separate NTSP application is to be submitted for each building prior to the commencement of the building construction.
The following can be used as a guideline:
- Water application lodgement fee - this includes the permission to connect to Council’s water infrastructure;
- Sewer application lodgement fee - this includes the permission to connect to Council’s sewer infrastructure;
- Full water/fire connections or disconnections between 20mm and 50mm is a fixed fee from Council’s fees and charges;
- Full water/fire connections or disconnections above 50mm, the associated costs is established through a quotation process;
- Any sub meter installations between 20mm and 50mm is a fixed fee from Council’s fees and charges;
- Any sub meter installations above 50mm, the associated costs is established through a quotation process;
- Disconnection of any sub meter is a fixed fee from Council’s fees and charges;
- If the water and sewer infrastructure is effected, the associated costs will be established through a quotation process.
When you are ready to request for a connection, disconnection, or alteration to Council’s infrastructure, please click on the below link “Notice to Service Provider Application for Water & Sewer” to complete the application online.
Once received by Council, we will issue a tax invoice itemising the associated fees. The current fixed fees and charges can be found on our website or you can contact Water Services Planning & Delivery section for assistance.
If a tax invoice is not issued for fixed fees, a quotation will be prepared to establish the associated costs. These costs will be provided to the Applicant through a quotation letter with an authority to carry out works form after the approval letter has been given.
Once all the associated costs are paid (and the authority to carry out works form submitted from the quotation), the works will be scheduled and carried out.
Throughout the application process and request works, we will continue to communicate with the Applicant until the work has been completed.
Should you require further information, please contact Water Services Planning & Delivery Technical Officer on 1300 883 699 for assistance.
Notice to Service Provider application for Water & Sewer