In order to help us maximise recycling, residents and businesses are requested to separate their waste when bringing waste to any of our facilities.
The below table highlights waste disposal categories, where they are accepted, chargeable item or free for disposal.
For more information on any of the free recycling initiatives visit: waste and recycling programs.
Please be aware your load may be inspected(PDF, 190KB).
Please be aware some waste disposal items are NOT accepted if generated outside the BRC region area:
Declare these items when entering the waste facility - your load may be inspected(PDF, 190KB).
Asbestos is only accepted at our Bundaberg Waste Facility - must be generated from the Bundaberg Region.
Asbestos removal and disposal guide
Asbestos information page
Asbestos legistation update
Ammunition and explosive are restricted disposal items - more information
Batteries are accepted for recycling at all Councils waste facilities
Battery disposal and recycling guide
Chemcials and hazardous items are accepted at our Bundaberg Waste Facility.
Chemcial disposal guide
Please be aware fuel is NOT ACCEPTED at any Council waste facilities
eWaste (electronic waste) is accepted for recycling at all Councils waste facilities - anything with a plug.
eWaste recycling guide
Fluorencent tubes and light bulbs are accepted for recycling at Councils waste facilities
Fluorocycle recycling guide
Accepted free for disposal at all council waste facilities.
Please make sure to remove any unwanted food items from your fridge or freezer otherwise a disposal fees will apply.
Gas bottles are accepted for disposal at number of our waste facilites - please refer above table for acceptance
Do not accept:
Domesitc mattresses are accepted free fordisposal at all Councils waste facilities
Waste oils are accepted for disposal at a number of Councils waste facilities - please refer above table for acceptance
Paint is accepted free for disposal.
Paint disposal guide
Tyres are accepted for disposal at a number of Councils waste facilities - please refer above table for acceptance
The following regulated waste items require waste tracking if transported and disposed of by a business / commercial operator:
Further information on waste tracking obligations
Address: 46 University Drive Bundaberg QLD 4670
Telephone: 1300 883 699
Waste and recycling handy guide Waste facilities opening hours Recycling programs Waste disposal fees A-Z waste and recycling guide(PDF, 77KB)
Click here