Deceased animal disposal

Deceased domestic animals can be disposed of at the Bundaberg Waste Management Facility.

Deceased animals (small) - domestic

Animals must be bagged prior to disposal.

Deceased animals (large) - domestic and commercial

  • examples of large animals include horses and cattle
  • prior notice is required for disposal
  • in addition to the tonnage rate a burial fee may apply

Deceased animals - information for veterinarian

  • all animal remains must be refrigerated or frozen prior to disposal
  • all animal remains must be in a designated animal body bag
  • when possible contact the waste management facility prior to arrival
  • on arrival please declare contents of your load and any prior arrangements you have made with staff
  • follow the instructions of the gatehouse attendant

Disposal at the Bundaberg Waste Management Facility:

  • Monday - Thursday before 2 pm
  • Friday before 12 pm
  • Saturday - Sunday no disposal

Infectious animals

A deceased animal which may have been contaminated with an agent infectious to humans is considered to be clinical waste. Disposal of this waste type is to be collected, transported and disposed of by an approved waste transporter.