Chemicals incorrectly disposed of in your general waste or recycling bin are unsafe and can cause fires in bins or garbage trucks, creating a safety hazard for our staff, the community, and the environment.
Chemcial acceptance at waste facilities
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Domestic chemicals are everyday products you buy from supermarkets and hardware stores, for example:
Once your domestic chemical containers have been cleaned (well rinsed, with no chemical residue on the inside or outside) you can recycle these through your yellow lid recycling bin or place them in your general waste bin if they are not recyclable.
Council has a number of methods for disposal of different domestic chemical wastes:
Please refer below for different area of your house you might find chemcials and how to disposal of them correctly:
‡Medicines – any medicine you purchase from the supermarket, pharmacy, dentist, or doctor can be returned to a pharmacy for safe disposal. Any animal medications can be returned to a vet practice for safe disposal.
There are several recyling schemes available for unwanted commercial AgVet chemicals or empty commercial chemical containers, including ChemClear and DrumMuster. For all other commercial chemical waste please contact your local commercial chemical waste service provider.
Address: 46 University Drive Bundaberg QLD 4670
Telephone: 1300 883 699
Waste and recycling handy guide Waste facilities opening hours Recycling programs Waste disposal fees A-Z waste and recycling guide(PDF, 77KB)