Bin service requests / collection issues
Bin Service Requests
Commencement, additional bins, and cancellations can only be requested by the property owner/s (ratepayer).
If you are a tenant please contact the property owner/s (landlord) or real estate regarding the below.
Commencing new bin service
Resident can request to commence a new domestic waste bin collection service as long as the property has a liveable approved dwelling. A new bin services can only be requested by the owner of the property (rate payer).
Cancellation may only be requested for an additional bins services in addition to the minimum domestic waste collection service.
Addition bin services
Once a property has the minimum waste collection service on site, residents are able to commence an additional service (waste and recycling bin), an extra waste bin only or extra recycling bin only for a partial fee also paid via rates.
Residents are able to apply for an Exemption to Service - application must be in writing and will be subject to an assessment by Council.
Application for an Amendment of a Waste Bin Service
Bin Collection Issues
Bins collection issues can be reported by anyone; property owner, tenant etc
If bin is stolen, missing or removed please notify Council as soon as possible for a replacement.
Damaged bin
You may notice that your bin is damaged in the following ways:
- cracked body
- missing hinge pins
- damaged/rusted wheels or axles
- missing lid
- vandalised
You will need to contact Council if repairs to your bin are required.
Once reported please put the bin out on the footpath so it's easily accessible for the repairs to be carried out.
Missed services
If your service has been inadvertently missed and you have followed our conditions of service, please notify Council on 1300 883 699.
Please note: Council will only service BRC provided bins
If you have forgotten to put your bins out you can either contact Council as above or use our online payment form.
As soon as this form is complete it will send a notification to our Collections department and a truck will swing by as soon as practicable.
Please leave the bin/s on the kerbside, unless otherwise advised.
NOTE: All BRC garbage trucks are fitted with GPS and surveillance cameras to monitor for safety and performance of service. Please be aware that Council may review these systems to verify issues before actioning any requests.
Assisted Bin Collections
Council provides an assisted service for residents who, through a medical condition or disability, are unable to place their bin/s at the kerbside or designated collection point for servicing.
A medical certificate must accompany your completed application form.
Application for Assisted Collection / Go in For Service