Bin Inspection Program - Blue Tag

My bin had a blue tag, what should I do? 

A blue tag means there are improvements you can make to your waste management practices.

By placing clean recyclables into your yellow lid recycle bin (instead of the red/green lid waste bin) you increase recycling, decrease landfill and reduce operational and waste levy costs.

Make sure you place any of the following items in your yellow lid recycle bin:

Plastics (hard containers, bottles and jars)

Examples of plastic items that can be recycled include:

  • milk bottles
  • soft drink and juice bottles*
  • yogurt and ice cream containers
  • skin care and shampoo bottles
  • detergent and soap bottles

Steel and aluminium

Examples of steel items that can be recycled include:

  • food tins
  • pet food tins 
  • baby formula tins

Examples of aluminium items that can be recycled include:

  • aerosol deodorants, hair spray, cooking spray, etc. (empty)
  • insect spray (empty)
  • alfoil (clean tray, foil scrunched into ball)
  • drink cans*

Glass bottles and jars

Examples of glass items that can be recycled include:

  • sauce bottles
  • food jars
  • oil and vinegar jars
  • juice bottles*
  • alcohol bottles*

Paper and cardboard

Examples of paper and cardboard items that can be recycled include:

  • boxes (food, packaging, cereal, etc.)
  • glossy magazines, brochures and catalogues
  • wrapping paper (no glitter)
  • paper
  • pizza boxes (with minimal oil stains, or tear in half and place oily side in general waste bin)
For more information on which items go in each bin download our A-Z Waste and Recycling guide.
For recycling opportunities beyond your yellow lid bin please refer to our waste and recycling handy guide.
If the blue tag indicated that your waste bin contained eligible Containers for Change items (marked with an * above) you are missing out on cashing in these items for a 10 cent refund. Click here to find your nearest Containers for Change refund point.
Dispose of the tag in your general waste bin.
If you often run out of space in your recycle bin, households can opt in for a second bin at a discounted rate.
Contact Council on 1300 883 699 for more information.