Working on roads

Prior to carrying out any works that affect Council’s roads, an application to carry out work on roads is required to be submitted. If approval is granted, it will be subject to conditions.

The type of works that require approval include:

  • Building work where it encroaches onto a footpath or roadway
  • Cleaning or painting of buildings from footpaths or roadways
  • Construction of driveways and property accesses (for more information click here)
  • Construction of road works not associated with development approvals which are handled through the Planning approval process
  • Controlled Burns – For controlled burns in front of your property, you are required to contact your fire warden. You do not need to make an application to Council. Your fire warden will assess your application and then may issue a permit. If a permit is issued, Council require the Queensland Rural Fire Service to carry out the controlled burn on your behalf.
  • Installation of pipes or other infrastructure on a road reserve
  • Planting of street trees on footpaths fronting their block of land - Guidelines for street tree planting can be found under the Urban Trees section of Council's website.
  • Temporary closure of roads (full and partial)
  • Vegetation Clearing (for more information click here)
  • Any other activities which affect a road reserve.

If you are unsure if an approval is required, contact the Engineering Services team on 1300 883 699 or via email.