Every time someone flushes a toilet, rinses a plate, takes a shower or washes their clothes, the wastewater goes through the private sanitary pipes to the Council sewer mains. This connection between your sanitary drainage pipes and Council main could be either within the property or on land outside the property boundary.
All waste flows from your home to Bundaberg Regional Council Treatment Plants where it is treated. The purpose of sewage treatment is to remove suspended solids, organic matter, nutrients and disease-causing organisms, leaving effluent that is suitable for discharge back into the environment. The sorts of things you put down your sinks or flush down your toilet can have a major effect on the costs of treating the sewage and consequently, can make it far more expensive for your local Council. You can help to reduce this cost and protect the environment by keeping many of your household waste items that do not break down, out of the sewerage systems.
Some signs of a sewer blockage include:
Some causes of sewer blockage include:
Places where sewer blockages can occur include:
The maintenance of private sanitary drainage lines is the sole responsibility of the property owner. Please refer to image below.