Water billing

About water billing

Council reads the water meters twice each year. The reading cycles are August to December and February to June. The consumption/usage charges appear on your rate notice when issued in July and February.

It is important for the owners of property in the region to check their water meter regularly for maintenance and leaks because water meter reading only occurs each 6 months by Council. For example, this can be done each time you mow the grass.

For residential properties with an individual water meter, a Water Advice Notice is included in the Rate Notice showing comparative data. Water Advice Notices are not generated for flats, units, commercial or industrial properties.

Council may send a courtesy letter to the owner of the property if any substantial increase in water consumption is highlighted throughout the reading cycle. The advice usually states that Council has recently read your meter and it was noticed that the reading was higher than normal usage for this property.

The higher usage could be the result of many reasons, but it could also be a leak.

See the following pages on what you should do if you receive a high consumption (usage) advice from Council.

Courtesy High Consumption Advice - What do I need to do

I received a high water consumption letter, what do I do?

Firstly check the meter reading against the reading provided on your letter.

Reasons for increased water consumption:

  • Changes to the number of occupants in the home
  • Changes in weather patterns ie low rainfall
  • Establishing new lawn or gardens
  • Change in water habits
  • Filling or topping up pools
  • New Water Meter
  • Water Leaks FAQ's

Water meter FAQs

What is a water meter?

A water meter is used to measure the amount of water that each property uses.

Where is my water meter located?

Your meter is usually found out the front of your residence, near the front boundary of your property inside a meter box.

How do I read my water meter?

The black numbers on your water meter represent kilolitres (kL).One kilolitre (kL) equals 1000 litres (L).This is the unit of measurement our meter readers record as your meter reading. We then use this reading to calculate your bill. The white numbers on the red dials represent litres.

How often is my water meter read?

We read your water meter half yearly (i.e. every six months or roughly 183 days). The number of days between meter reads can differ because we may not be able to read your meter on exactly the same dates in each half year. This can be due to operational reasons or other factors, including bad weather, locked gates or a dog unsecured on your property. This means that the number of days you are charged for your water consumption may vary by up to 14 days. To ensure the best possible outcome there are ways that you can help. The most important benefit is to make sure that the water meter box is visible to the readers by way of removing grass and mulch and pruning overgrown plants around the meter box. If you have a dog, please secure it away from the meter area during reading periods..

Why was my meter replaced?

Council replaces water meters for many reasons including when the meter registers less than the actual water used, if the meter stops registering altogether or when the meter is damaged or difficult to read, etc.

Is my new meter accurate?

As required by Law, water meters used by Council comply with or exceed accuracy standards as specified by the National Measurement Institute (NMI) design and all meters have Pattern approval. The National Measurement Institute's M 10-2 specifies water accuracy must be within ±2.5% across the flowrate range. Further information is available at:measurement.gov.au. Most water meters register slightly less than the actual water being used and this loss generally increases as the meter wears with use and age.

Will my new water meter affect my water bill?

If your previous water meter has not been recording all of the water that you have been using, your previous water rates will have been less than what has actually been used. This may have occurred for several rating periods. As the new water meter is accurately recording all of the water you are using your water consumption may appear to increase, resulting in increased water charges. We recommend you monitor your water usage by regularly reading your new water meter to establish your current registered use against previous bills. Should you have any further questions please contact Council's Customer Service Officers on 1300 883 699.

How can I check if my water meter is accurate?

Make sure all taps on your property are off and the meter numbers are not moving (if they are moving you may have a leak). Record the reading on your meter, from left to right there are should be a series of black numbers and then red numbers. The black numbers are kilolitres. The red numbers are 100's of litres, 10's of litres and then litres. If your meter has four red dials the fourth dial is a decimal, or tenths of litres. When you have recorded the reading, carefully measure 20 litres into a bucket from one of your taps. Re-read your meter and record the reading. The reading on the second red dial should have progress by two units and the third dial should not have changed.

How soon after my meter is read do I receive my bill?

Your water consumption is charged on your Council Rate Notice which are issued twice a year in July & February.

What am I responsible for maintaining?

You are responsible for maintaining the pipes and other water infrastructure on the "house" side of the meter.

You must:

  • keep the water meter box and protective lid in good condition
  • keep a one meter clearance around your water meter so we can safely read and repair your meter
  • protect the isolation valve/ball valve and water meter from damage (you may be charged for the cost to repair damage to the water meter, isolation valve/ball valve, water meter box or lid)
  • engage a licensed plumber for all plumbing work (although you may change tap washers without engaging a licensed plumber)
  • ensure all plumbing work connected to the Council network is compliant with Plumbing & Drainage Act 2002 (for more information refer to Queensland Building & Construction Commission)

My meter is full of dirt. How did you read it?

Sometimes you will receive a Meter Reading Notice and then see that your meter box is full of dirt. Our meter readers can read your meter even with the meter box full of dirt. They simply move the dirt aside so they can read the dials on your meter and then put the dirt back into the meter box. Our meter readers do not leave the removed dirt on your lawn or garden beside the meter, as they are required to leave the area as they found it.

My meter box is full of native bees. What should I do?

During certain times of the year, Australian native bees may colonise Council meter boxes. While these bees provide low risk to yourself and our meter readers, they can impede on our ability to read the meter. If you have a colony in your meter box, please call us on 1300 883 699 so we can arrange for removal and relocate the colony safely.

How often should I check my water meter?

Council encourages residents to check their water meters and record their readings regularly, e.g. when mowing. Early leak detection and repair will reduce your water consumption costs.

Water leak FAQs

How can I check for a water leak?

  1. Turn off all taps, the washing machine, dishwasher and irrigation at your property.
  2. Read your water meter and write down or take a photo of the numbers (including the red numbers, which indicate litres). Make sure you leave the water meter tap on.
  3. Wait at least one hour before reading your water meter again - remember not to use any water, even to flush the toilet during this time.
  4. If the reading has changed (last numbers or dial on the water meter), you may have a water leak. Please contact a licensed plumber to investigate.

Please note: the numbers on a water meter will only move if water is being drawn through it, either by something on your property (hose, washing machine, plumbed in fridges, dishwashers, etc.) or if there is a leak.
For safety reasons never leave an opened water meter box unattended.

For more information on water consumption, check our factsheets:

Water meter home accuracy check

How to read your meter

Water efficiency

Water audit for households

How can I check for a toilet leak?

Toilet cistern leaks are common and can be easily checked by following these steps:

  1. Pour a few drops of food colouring into the toilet cistern (just enough to colour the water slightly).
  2. Don't flush - wait. If colour appears in the toilet bowl, you have a leak.
  3. Flush as soon as the test has been completed to clear the food colouring. It does not stain ceramic toilet bowls.

Don't want to use food colouring? Try placing a sheet of dry toilet paper at the back of the toilet bowl, above the water line. It should stay dry unless there is water trickling down the back of the bowl, indicating a leaking toilet.

How can I check for other leaks?

Other leaks can be found by investigating the following:

  • check your property for visible water leaks from taps, toilets and showers
  • check irrigation i.e. ensure all caps/jets are on, no leaks in the system
  • check water tanks are not topped up automatically with town water, check for faulty solenoids/internal parts if connected to town water
  • ensure all external and internal taps and showers are fully turned off
  • check your plumbed in fridge is not leaking
  • check hot water systems are not leaking
  • during renovations or property maintenance, make sure to replace taps, showers and toilets with water-efficient products

What do I do if I find a leak on my property?

If a leak has been identified please contact a licensed plumber to investigate as soon as possible, this is your responsibility and at your expense.

All leaks, including concealed leaks, on private property are the property owner's responsibility to investigate and repair.

All water pipes and fittings from the water meter on to private property are the property owner's responsibility to maintain.

To stop water being wasted on your property if you have a leak you can temporarily turn the stop tap off at your water meter. Just make sure this won't damage appliances such as your hot water system.

Can I get a reduction in my water charges?

If you detect a water leak and have it repaired, the repair is your responsibility and at your expense. However, you may be eligible to apply for a reduction in your water charges under Council's Water Leak Relief Policy(PDF, 695KB) . Strict criteria apply, some of which are as follows, and unless they are fulfilled your application will be declined. Please refer to the Water Leak Policy for full criteria.

  • the water leak must be repaired by a registered plumber within 15 working days from date of advice.
  • a Water Leak Relief Application must be submitted to Council within 60 days of having the leak repaired.
  • a registered plumber's account/letter, detailing the repair, must be submitted with your application.
  • only one successful water leak relief application will be permitted every three years.
  • the water leak must be undetectable and must not be within a building.

Water Advice Notice explained

The below diagram explains the different sections on your Water Advice Notice.

Water Advice guide

Apply for water leak relief

Complete the online form below to request water leak relief.

Water leak relief application

Please ensure you read the Water Leak Relief Policy(PDF, 695KB).