Sundry Debtors

Council issues tax invoices for other works or services provided to the community. These accounts are called sundry debtors or accounts receivable and are different to a rate account.

These accounts are for entities that need a tax invoice for work that Council does or services provided to them. In most instances payment for works or services will need to be made up front but there are instances where an account can be created.

Businesses that would like to be regularly invoiced for Council services need to complete an Application for Goods and Services Account for Council approval. All applications are subject to independent credit checks, please refer to Council’s fees and charges to confirm application fee.

Application for a Goods and Services Account.pdf(PDF, 313KB)

With increased cost of postage and longer delivery times, email is quicker, more convenient and environmentally friendly. Council can email your tax invoice directly to your nominated email account. This service is called eInvoices. Select the link to register.

  • Please advise Council if you change your email address, or if you wish to cancel this service, by emailing
  • IMPORTANT: If you have not received your tax invoice in your email inbox please check that your email filter hasn’t diverted it to your junk/spam email folder. You can also search the word ‘invoice” in your inbox to locate the email.


Paying my tax invoice

Pay your invoice online

Below is an example of a Bundaberg Regional Council invoice.

Invoice Example

Having trouble paying my tax invoice

If you are having trouble paying your tax invoice, talk with one of our accounts receivable team members about the situation by calling 1300 883 699.

If you have recently moved, ensure you have updated your details on our change of contact details form.