General rating information

Why do I need to pay rates on my property?

Rates are the main source of income for Bundaberg Regional Council.

They fund essential services and facilities including:

  • Road works
  • Maintaining foreshores and public open spaces
  • Waste collection
  • Supply and treatment of water and sewerage
  • Cultural, Community & Library facilities
  • Economic Initiatives

What are my rates paying for?

Council is the only level of government that invests every dollar collected from the local community back in to the local community.

View Budget Document

When will I receive my rate notice?

General Rate charges, Waste Collection charges and Water and Sewerage charges are listed on the one rate notice.

Your Bundaberg Regional Council Rate Notices are billed half yearly and are issued in:

late July/early August – for the six month period 1 July to 31 December, and

late January/ early February – for the six month period 1 January to 30 June

Additional rate notices may also be issued when there have been adjustments to the rates and charges throughout the year.

Lodging an objection to your rating category

If you believe your general rate category is incorrect you can object by completing an Objection to General Rate Category Form.

If you lodge an objection the rates and charges must still be paid by the due date. If the category is changed because of the objection, council will adjust the rates and advise you in writing.

However, if you are objecting to your valuation, please direct your enquiries to the Department of Resources on 137 468.

Assistance for pensioners

Eligible pensioners may be entitled to receive a Bundaberg Regional Council pensioner rate concession and a State Government’s pensioner rate concession on the rates payable for their principal place of residence. Head to our Rates Pension page for further information

Pensioner Concessions

What attachments come with my rate notice

Council issues rate notices on a bi-annual basis, or twice each year being July and February.

The July rate notices have more attachments/flyers as it is the new financial year and more explanations are required regarding rating categories and include waste vouchers (if applicable). The second issue of the rate notice in February do not require to have the same information and usually have less attachments.

Sample Rate & Water Advice notices below:

2022 Rates notice web sample

2022 Water advice notice web sample