Difficulty paying rates

What do I do if I can't pay my rates

Council may refer you to our external debt recovery specialists, Recoveries & Reconstruction if you do not arrange a payment commitment. To set up a payment commitment click the button below.

Click here to complete a Rates Payment Commitment Request

Once you submit a payment commitment, Council will contact you to confirm if it has been accepted or if the proposed payment commitment needs further discussion.

For the financial year 1 July 2024 to 30 June 2025, Council will charge compound interest at 11.64% per annum on overdue rates and charges, calculated on daily rests.

Remember: If you have recently moved, ensure you have updated your details on our change of contact details form.

If you have any difficulty completing the online form or wish to have a chat about your situation please don't hesitate to contact us on 1300 883 699.

Debt recovery

Council needs to know if you are unable to pay your rates and may refer your debt to its debt recovery specialists, which may result in legal action and legal charges being applied if:

  • you are unable to pay your rates and you do not make contact with Council to arrange a suitable payment commitment, and
  • if your address is not updated which results in the non-payment of your rates,

Council will take steps to ensure outstanding rates are recovered and has partnered with Recoveries and Reconstruction (Australia) Pty Ltd ("R&R").

R&R are an Incorporated Legal Practice that specialise in debt recovery for Local Government Councils and have an in depth understanding of local government.

Recoveries and Reconstruction logo

R&R focuses on maintaining the highest ethical standards and a strong culture of compliance.

If you have been contacted by R&R, please coordinate your recovery directly with them on 1300 556 863.

Payment of outstanding rates is through the normal payment channels at Council. Payments are not to be made to R&R.


If you're having trouble paying your rates, please contact our Revenue Recovery Team on 1300 883 699.
If you have recently moved, ensure you have updated your details on our change of contact details form.

Are you suffering from extreme hardship

There are several options available to you if you are suffering from extreme financial hardship.

  • Do you have a mortgage? We prefer if you discuss your situation with your mortgagee as well as Council as they may be able to pay your rates and add the amount onto your mortgage.
  • Do you have you any superannuation? You may be able to access your superannuation to pay the rates. Special conditions apply but you can access the Australian Taxation Office website to obtain further information.
  • Apply to Queensland Government - Mortgage Relief Loan. This website has other useful information that may assist you.
  • Council has a Financial Assistance Information Sheet that you may find useful
  • You can read Council's Hardship Policy(PDF, 733KB) to see if you are eligible. If you wish to proceed with an application after reading the policy, please contact Council's Revenue Recovery Team on 1300 883 699 to discuss your needs and request an application form.

Sale of land for rate arrears

Section 141-144 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 provides for local governments to sell your property when rates and charges have been overdue for at least 3 years. Council will actively pursue all available options under legislation to ensure that the overdue rates and charges are not a burden on the region's ratepayers. 

Pursuant to Sections 141-144 of the Local Government Regulation 2012 and Section 239 Substituted Service of the Local Government Act 2009 Chapter 7 Other Provisions,

Council hereby gives notice that unless the rates owing on the land set out in the Schedule hereunder, details of which have already been supplied, are sooner paid, the said land will be sold at Public Auction in the Civic Centre Supper Room, at 190 Bourbong Street, Bundaberg at 10:00am on Thursday 10 April 2025.

Click on the link below to view the Auction Notice:

Terms and Conditions of Sale by Public Auction 2024/2025.pdf(PDF, 347KB)