Moving in

Just purchased a property in the Bundaberg Region? Find out more about what happens now.

Change of ownership confirmation - how the Council is advised of a change in property ownership

Council updates its ownership records based upon information provided by the Queensland Government's Department of Resources (DoR). When a change of ownership occurs for a property, the Department sends through official confirmation and our Rates and Property team updates Council records based on the information provided. Council has a $70 Change of Ownership Fee which is charged to new owners upon settlement of their property.

Council records the "service address" provided by the Department as the mailing address for any correspondence relating to the property's rates accounts.

If you need to let us know about a change of address, complete our Change of Contact Details Form, email us at, or visit one of our customer service centres.

A copy of your property title can be obtained by contacting the Department DoR

Rate notice - what to expect from your first rates notices

Please note, it can sometimes take several weeks for the Department of Resources (DoR) to provide the Council with confirmation of the change of ownership, and you will not receive your first rate notice for the property until this confirmation has been processed.

Your solicitor will have made the necessary adjustments at the time of settlement, and any payments received from the vendor as a result of these calculations will be reflected on your rate account. If you have any questions regarding your initial rate, you might find the answers you're looking for by first checking the settlement statement provided by your solicitor.

You will find information about the various payment methods we offer on the back of your notices and also on our Payments page. Visit our Your rates notice explained page for a general explanation of the charges you might see on these notices.

Properties managed by a third party - how to notify Council of its authority to act on your behalf

Note: Notifications will only be accepted from the registered owner of the property or in the case of a trust or a company, an authorised person of that trust or company.

Property(s) held in the name of individual person(s): In writing, either by email to or by post to Bundaberg Regional Council, PO Box 3130 BUNDABERG QLD 4670 or by completing an Authority to Enquire – Rates Only.

Property(s) held in the name of a trust or in a company name: In writing, either on company letterhead, or via company email Please quote the rates notice reference number, property address, current postal address and position title (e.g. Director). Council may ask you to provide a copy of your company details, if required..

Bin collection services

If there is an existing bin collection service to your property, it will continue as is unless you request a change, such as adding an optional waste collection service. The waste collection bins stay with the property. They are not transferable.

If you have just built a new home and are ready to move in, call us on 1300 883 699 to request a bin collection service at least two business days before moving in. We will confirm if you are in a serviced area and provide advice on other waste services if you are in a rural area that is not serviced.

Visit our residential bin collection page to find information about the waste collection services we offer, how to order new bins as well as our Bin day finder and Recycling collection calendar, which will let you know which day your weekly green lidded bin (general waste) collection service and fortnightly yellow lid bin (recycling) is collected. This page also provides information for tenants.

Please note that 1 waste service = 1 green lid bin and 1 yellow lid bin. Your rate notice will show as 1 unit on your rates. If it shows 2.00 units, it means you have 2 sets of bins meaning 2 green lid bins & 2 yellow lid bins.

Registering dogs, plus rules about keeping other pets and animals

Registering your dog is compulsory in the Bundaberg Region and having the correct residential address for where your pet dog is kept helps the Council return your dog safely to you if lost or found wandering.

If your dog is currently registered with the Council and you're moving to another property on the Bundaberg Region, you can update your dog's details by completing our Change of Address Form (owner/ratepayer), updating Dog Registration (and Amendment) Application emailing us at, or visiting one of our customer service centres.

Remember to let the microchip registry know that your contact details have changed.

Information about Council regulations that are in place for keeping domestic animals can be found on our Animals page.

Pensioner concessions

If you already receive pension concession discounts on the property you're moving from, please be aware that pension concession entitlements on a property or for a dog registration are not automatically transferred to a new residence. You will need to let Council know about your move and complete a new application for concessions.

Rates pensioner concessions: Visit our Pensioner concessions page for details and how to apply for concessions at your new property.

Dog registration concessions: You will be asked to attach proof of eligibility when updating your pet's details.

What's on in my area?

Our website gives you the latest Council news and alerts, such as information about water interruptions, bushfire hazard reduction burns, road and beach closures in one convenient location

Visit our Bundaberg Now website for free local good news.

Visit our What's on website for information and links to events in your area and around Bundaberg.

Visit our Arts Bundaberg website for details about the theatre, galleries and libraries in our region.

Visit our Discover Bundaberg website for attractions and parks in our region.