If there is an existing bin collection service to your property, it will continue as is unless you request a change, such as adding an optional waste collection service. The waste collection bins stay with the property. They are not transferable.
If you have just built a new home and are ready to move in, call us on 1300 883 699 to request a bin collection service at least two business days before moving in. We will confirm if you are in a serviced area and provide advice on other waste services if you are in a rural area that is not serviced.
Visit our residential bin collection page to find information about the waste collection services we offer, how to order new bins as well as our Bin day finder and Recycling collection calendar, which will let you know which day your weekly green lidded bin (general waste) collection service and fortnightly yellow lid bin (recycling) is collected. This page also provides information for tenants.
Please note that 1 waste service = 1 green lid bin and 1 yellow lid bin. Your rate notice will show as 1 unit on your rates. If it shows 2.00 units, it means you have 2 sets of bins meaning 2 green lid bins & 2 yellow lid bins.