Preparing an application
Making a properly made application
To make a 'properly made application', your development application must satisfy the requirements set out in the Planning Act 2016. Specifically, applications must include –
- The correct application form/s
- Supporting information required by the application form/s
- Written owner’s consent (where required)
- The required application fee (refer to Council’s Fees and Charges Register).
The following resources are available to help prospective applicant’s make a properly made application–
Further information, including application forms, templates and guides to using the DA forms is available on the Queensland Planning System website.
Owner's consent
Depending on the type of application, written consent may be required for all current registered owners of all premises subject to the development application.
Under Section 51 (2) of the Planning Act 2016 –
(2) The application must be accompanied by the written consent of the owner of the premises to the application, to the extent–
- the applicant is not the owner; and
- the application is for –
- a material change of use of premises or reconfiguring a lot; or
- works on premises that are below high-water mark and are outside a canal; and
- the premises are not excluded premises.
The Applicant template – owners consent forms contain the information required for obtaining owner's consent from an individual and/or company.
External referrals
There can be times when the State Government, or other agency, has an interest in a development application. These development applications are required to be lodged to these agencies for their assessment or comment as well. Other agencies can include the Queensland Fire and Emergency Service, or Ergon Energy. The Planning Regulation 2017 sets out when another agency is required to have input into an application.
Some of these triggers can include, but not limited to:
- development on or near a state-controlled road or railway line;
- a use that involves an environmentally relevant activity;
- development on or adjoining a Queensland heritage place.
The applicant should contact the relevant referral agency to determine their requirements. For more information on state referral triggers, refer to the Planning Regulation 2017.
Supporting documentation often sought by Council
Where applicable, the following technical plans and reports may be required to support your application:
- Acid sulfate (ASS) investigation and management plan.
- Acoustic assessment report.
- Bushfire hazard assessment report and management plan.
- Ecological assessment.
- Flood hazard assessment and mitigation report.
- Traffic impact assessment report.
In instances where technical reports are not provided with the submitted application, Council may require such reports to be supplied as part of an information request.
Prior to making an application, you may also like to book a pre-lodgement meeting with Council to identify any technical reports that may be required as a part of the application process and streamline the development assessment process.
Quality of plans
When you submit a development application, it is a mandatory requirement to provide ‘relevant plans’ that clearly illustrate the proposed development. Queensland Government’s Department of Infrastructure, Local Government and Planning developed the DA forms guide: Relevant plans document, designed to assist applicants when submitting relevant plans with a development application.
This guide provides examples of when a relevant plan should be provided with a development application, also outlining what a relevant plan may include. The guide is structured around common types of plans, including site plans, location plans, operational work/engineering plans, building plans and survey plans. Additional technical or more specialist plans may also be required, depending on the nature of the development application.
Development applications for Material Change of Use (other than for a residential use), where the Charges Resolution (No.1) 2021(PDF, 4MB) nominates an infrastructure charge, should include the identification and calculation of gross floor area (GFA) and impervious areas in the floor plans and site plans of the proposal. This will assist in the calculation of infrastructure charges that may apply to your development application. For more information on the Council's Charges Resolution, visit the Development Infrastructure and Charges page.