Application forms

Development applications must be accompanied by any of the following forms relevant to the type of development you are proposing.

Relevant development application forms include:

Development application forms can also be downloaded from the Department of State Development, Manufacturing, Infrastructure and Planning (DSDMIP) website here.

A list of all approved and recommended building forms can be found on the Department of Housing and Public Works' website here.

Aside from the standard forms provided by the State, Council has developed forms and checklists to be used for certain requests, including:

It is recommended that prospective applicants have a free pre-lodgement meeting with Council’s Planning and Development staff prior to lodging their application.

Application Fees

Council’s development application fees are set out in Council’s Fees and Charges Schedule.

If you have any questions regarding application fees, please contact Council’s development group.

Hiring a consultant

While Council will endeavour to provide pertinent advice, this advice does not derogate Council’s responsibility for assessing development applications. For this reason, if you require assistance in making a properly made application, hiring a consultant may be a preferred option.