The Flood Planning Control Property Report is available free of charge from Council's interactive mapping. The guideline to generate the report is available here(PDF, 2MB).
The Flood Planning Control Property Report provides flood water levels for the range of flood events that make up Council's Flood Hazard Area. The report will also show the existing floor height of buildings where Council has this data available. Finally the report will indicate the Minimum Habitable Floor Level for dwellings.
This report is primarily for development assessment and does not show the full range of flooding that may occur on a property. The report will only indicate flooding within Council's Flood Hazard Area (i.e. for the adopted events listed in table 1 of the Natural Hazard Evaluation Report(PDF, 219MB)).
Council has limited flood data in rural and remote areas, however as new modelling results become available this information will be added to the Flood Planning Control Property Report. Residents are reminded that more severe, but less likely, flood events can potentially occur on their property. Council's Disaster Management website and Burnett River Flood Gauge Mapping System provide more information about other potential risks to properties.