Interactive mapping Terms of Use

Bundaberg Regional Council and Department of Natural Resources and Mines Disclaimer
Cadastral Data/Property Boundary Distances and Locations

The State of Queensland (Department of Natural Resources and Mines)

Based on Cadastral Data provided with the permission of the Department of Natural Resources and Mines.

While every care is taken to ensure the accuracy of this data, the Department of Natural Resources and Mines makes no representations or warranties about its accuracy, reliability, completeness or suitability for any particular purpose and disclaims all responsibility and all liability (including without limitation, liability in negligence) for all expenses, losses, damages (including indirect or consequential damage) and costs which you might incur as a result of the data being inaccurate or incomplete in any way and for any reason.

Bundaberg Regional Council Disclaimer
Disclaimer of Accuracy - Infrastructure

Part 1 - To be read by the customer:

  • I/We, the undersigned, hereby agree and acknowledge that the information to be provided by Bundaberg Regional Council does not have guaranteed levels of accuracy,
  • I/We are aware that Bundaberg Regional Council has compiled these records based upon data at its disposal which has not been independently verified by Bundaberg Regional Council staff or agents,
  • I/We accept receipt of the relevant data on the basis that same is provided for our assistance and reference only and that should we seek to rely upon same that we shall obtain or retain independent professional advice to verify the accuracy of the relevant material,
  • I/We are aware from the contents of this document, or from independent enquiry, that the material provided by Council is not survey accurate and that same is prepared and based upon material which Bundaberg Regional Council has obtained from the Queensland State Government's Department of Natural Resources and Mines and that same is provided as a public service without acceptance of responsibility or liability from Bundaberg Regional Council nor its Staff or agents,
  • I/We acknowledge that Council's engineering and professional staff have not provided us with any representations or advice upon the data provided and that we accept same on the basis set out herein.

Part 2 - Duty of care towards Council - by the customer:

When working in the vicinity of Council's infrastructure you have a legal duty of care that must be observed. The following must be considered:

  • It is the responsibility of the customer (which term shall include any consultant engaged by the owner including a consultant, architect, consulting engineer, developer, builder or other contractor) to design for minimal impact on Council's infrastructure, and
  • It is the customer's and or owner's responsibility to: request plans at a reasonable time before construction, visually locate infrastructure where construction activities may damage or interfere with infrastructure and contact Council if the construction is located near Council's infrastructure (refer essential precautions section). Note: Council can locate infrastructure and improvements on your behalf - refer to section "Contact numbers - for location of Infrastructure".

Part 3 - Important information for the customer:

Damage to Council Infrastructure -

  • The Customer is responsible for all infrastructure damage when works commence prior to obtaining plans, appropriately locating Council's infrastructure, or failing to observer the essential precautions,
  • Bundaberg Regional Council reserves the right to recover compensation for losses and damages to its infrastructure or other property including consequential losses.

Concerning Council's plans -

  • Council's plans and information provided are valid for 60 days from date of issue,
  • Bundaberg Regional Council retains copyright in all plans and details provided in conjunction with your request,
  • Bundaberg Regional Council plans or other details are provided for the use of the applicant, its servants, or agents and shall not be used for any unauthorised purpose,
  • Bundaberg Regional Council, its servants or agents shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused or occasioned by the use of plans and or details so supplied to the applicant, its servants and agents and the applicant agrees to indemnify Council against any claim or demand for any such loss or damage.

Essential precautions and approach distances -

Note: if the following clearance cannot be maintained Contact Council immediately for advice.

  • On receipt of plans and sketches and before commencing excavation work or similar activities near Council's infrastructure, carefully locate the infrastructure, to avoid damage (refer below if you would like Council to locate the infrastructure). Undertake prior manual exposure such as potholing (by hand) when intending to excavate or work closer to Council's infrastructure than the following distances:
    • In footpaths, where it could be reasonably assumed that the infrastructure would be within 1.5 metre,
    • In non established areas or unformed reserves, roadways, footpaths or alike minimum approach distance 2.5 metres,
    • In rural/non urban areas which may have wider variation than given above the following should be observed:
      • 10 metres for major rising mains, trunk mains, etc,
      • 5 metres for other infrastructure.
  • Maintain the following minimum clearance between construction activity and actual location of Council's infrastructure (unless previously approved in an operational works approval)
    • Jackhammers pneumatic breakers 1.0m
    • Vibrating plate or wacker packer compaction 1.0m
    • Boring equipment 1.0m
    • Heavy traffic (over three tonnes) 1.0m
    • Mechanical Excavators 1.0m

Contact numbers - for location of Infrastructure:

Location of infrastructure can be provided at a cost to the customer, please refer to the Customer Call Centre on 1300 883 699 to obtain a quote.

Access the interactive mapping system by agreeing to the terms of use:

I have read and agree to the Terms of Use