Guide to using mapping system

This section will provide some assistance in using this service. If you still require further instruction after following through this documentation, please contact the GIS section at Bundaberg Regional Council.

Icon Toolbar

At the top of the map is a single row of icons that allow interaction with the map. To find out what each icon does, move the mouse pointer over each icon until a small descriptive pop-up text box appears.

Zooming and Scrolling

When the main window map is open, you can zoom in or out, as well as scroll the map extents. To zoom in (or move in closer) to an area on the map, click on the plus magnifying glass icon. Either click once directly on the map or drag out a bounding rectangle of the area whilst keeping the left mouse button pressed then release to finish. To zoom out (or move further away), click on the minus magnifying glass icon, then either click once directly on the map or drag out a bounding box with the left mouse button.

If you have a wheel button on your mouse, first move the mouse pointer to the desired position and roll the wheel forward to zoom in or roll backwards to zoom out.

An Overview Map shows the relative position of your view within the area of the Bundaberg Regional Council. To quickly scroll to another region using the same map size of the current window extent, click on the inner rectangle located inside of the overview map and move it to the desire position. The map will be redrawn to reflect the new position.

At the base of the map window is a scale bar. To change the scale, click once directly on the scale bar box and enter the new scale. Press the 'Go' key and the map is redrawn to this scale.

To move back or forwards of a previous window view, click the 'Previous Extent' or 'Next Extent' icon's.
To return to the initial map view when you first started, click the 'Zoom to Full Extent' icon.

Identifying a Feature

First scroll or zoom to the desired area of interest. Next click the 'Identify' icon and click once on the map directly over the entity to be identified. A new 'Identify' window is returned presenting a list of categorized features found at this point.

To examine the attributes of the listed feature in more detail, click the small arrow head (left of text) and a sub-listing of features is revealed. Click directly on each text sub-listing to reveal more information which is presented on the right hand side pane.

If you want to identify multiple features with multiple selections, you can perform a radial selection. To do this, click the Identify icon then click and hold the left mouse button whilst dragging out the desired radius. A radius value is dynamically calculated and shown while you perform this action. To complete the selection, release the left mouse button and a new 'Identify' window is returned.

Additional selection and navigations tools on the selected map feature are located at the bottom left of this window. Move the mouse pointer over each icon until a pop-up text box is returned describing the icon's operation.

Feature Selection Methods

While the Information button provides the quickest method to make enquires on features, additional feature selection tools can be found on the tool bar. They are as follows:

  • Select by Point
  • Select by Circle
  • Select by Line
  • Select by Rectangle
  • Select by Polygon
  • Selection Mode (add to or remove from a selection set)

To select a group of features, first click on the required selection method from the tool bar. When using the Line and Polygon methods, double-click to complete the selection region. After the features are selected, click the Selection Review tool bar button. A new window is returned containing categories of the visibly selected features along with their respective attributes from which you can examine. To produce a listing for any of the features’ attributes to your desktop in an Excel, CSV or Shapefile format, select the required feature category on the left-hand-side, click on the Results actions (three dots icon) on the right hand side and select the required Export function from the list of available options.

Note: The browser may use a pop-up blocker when trying to create the attribute listing. Allow the process to go ahead using the browsers’ Options (normally controlled via a left click on the Options button found just below the address bar). Second and subsequent attempts will work from then on (until you reset the browser pop-up blocker defaults).

Any feature selection set can be extended to by setting the Selection ' + ' from the drop-down Selection Mode tool. Features of a selection set can be removed using the Selection ' - ' from the drop-down Selection Mode tool. To clear all feature selections, use the Clear Results tool.

Zoom to Areas of Interest with Map Grid Co-ordinates

To zoom to an area with co-ordinates, the co-ordinate values need to be in easting (x) and northing (y) format.


x: 434,128.0

These are typically known as map grid coordinates.

On the tool bar click the Zoom to Coordinates icon. A form is returned from which you can enter these values.

For the x field enter the easting coordinate.
For the y field enter the northing coordinate.
For Coordinate Systems field, scroll and select GDA 1994 MGA Zone 56
For Scale, enter the desired display scale for your area.

Click Zoom to continue and a new map extent is displayed.

Additional Notes:
Geographical co-ordinates (i.e. Latitude and Longitude) can be used but they need to be converted to map grid co-ordinates. For example, a GPS receiver may have been configured to measure locations as geographical co-ordinates.

To help you convert geographic co-ordinates to map grid co-ordinates, the following web site can assist:

User Tip:
Configure your GPS Receiver to measure points in map grid coordinates to avoid conversion. Familiarise yourself with the user manual so to ensure correct settings are made in the receiver.

How to find a Locality, Property or Road

Start typing in the Search…window which is shown by a magnifying glass icon in the top right. The search is predictive, based on a minimum of the first three characters entered. The more refined your entry, the less results will appear in the list, which may take a few moments to appear. The search is not case sensitive. Make your selection from the list and this will appear in the Results panel on the left hand side. To zoom to the selected feature, double-click on the blue arrow to the right of the result.

Map Legend

Clicking the four bars icon to the right of the Layers and clicking the Show Legend icon switches the panel from the Layers list to a Legend of the map features which are currently referenced in the map. To revert back to the Layers list click on the four bars and choose Show Layer List.

Turn Map Features and Text Labels On or Off

To turn individual map features and text labels on or off, go to the Layers window and expand out the list of grouped layers by clicking on the plus icon until you see a grey arrow on the right. Clicking on the arrow will show the default display characteristics of the selected layer and the options available, such as Toggle layers on or off. Note that map feature visibility is automatically controlled by a scale range setting. For example, the text for house numbers only appears when the map scale ratio is in beyond 1:4000.

Filtering Layers

To find a specific layer within the layer list, use the Filter Tool by entering a relevant keyword into the Filter Layers… box above the layer list and clicking Filter. This will then only show the layers containing the keyword, so they can be quickly checked on for display. Remove the keyword by clicking the cross icon to revert to the full layer listing.

Measuring Distances and Areas

Click the Tools tab and view the Draw section.

To perform a distance measurement, click the 'Distance' icon and make single clicks on the map to draw out the measurement line. Double-click the last point to stop measuring and a total distance is returned as a text label near the last point measured to. If multiple line segments are drawn, their individual lengths are labelled respectively.

To determine the area of a figure, select the 'Area' icon and with single mouse clicks, trace out the feature with line segments. Double-click on the last point to return an area and perimeter as labelled values.

To clear any drawn measurement line work, click the delete button on the floating measurement icon tool bar then click directly on any part of a drawn line segment. If multiple lines were drawn, click the 'Delete All' icon to remove all the line work at once.

Printing Maps

Templates for A4 and A3 Landscape and Portrait printed maps have been provided. To print off a map, follow these steps:

  1. Zoom to the desired area and turn on/off required map features through the 'Legend' window.
  2. Click on the 'Print' icon located on the toolbar.
  3. For "Layouts:" select the orientation required by making a selection from the drop-down menu.
  4. Enter an optional Map Title name and the format required from the drop down box. If a higher resolution output is required, click on the DPI setting drop down box and choose between the higher values.
  5. Click the Print button and wait until the map is generated to a new browser window.
  6. Use the browser menu/icon tools to print the output or alternatively, save it as a file to your computer.

Note: If your browser does not produce the output to a new window, your browser's pop-up blocker may be preventing the output action. If so, check below the browsers menu, note any option to allow pop-ups from this web site and repeat the printing steps (if required). If this does not work, press and hold the Ctrl and Alt keys together on your keyboard just before you do step 5. Release the keys together until a new window containing the map output is returned.


Redlines gives you the ability to draw basic shapes, free text and attribute callouts directly on the map to help you annotate or markup your map which can be included on your electronic and printed outputs. To access this functionality, click the Tools tab and view the Draw section. Click on the Point icon to return a floating toolbar of icons. To find out what each icon does, move the mouse pointer over each button to display a descriptive pop-up text box.

To place an entity on the map such as free text for example, click the 'Text' tool icon, click a desired location on the map and type out the text. Press the 'Ok' button to complete the process. If you need to set the text style beforehand, click the style icon which is on the far right of the toolbar (a double-chevron symbol enclosed by a circle). A drop-down panel appears from which you can change text styles such as font type, font colour and size.

To clear individual Redline entities from the map, click the Edit button and choose Erase. When deleting text, ensure you click at the insertion point (i.e. bottom of the first character typed). For Shapes and Callout entities, click anywhere on the outer edge of the linework. To delete all drawn redline entities at once, click the 'Clear' icon.

Google Streetview Link

The BRC interactive mapping service can provide a quick hyper-linking function into the Google Maps service. The location of selected property parcels can thus be reflected in this popular web mapping application. To utilize this function, follow these steps:

Method 1:

  1. Navigate to a Street using the Search..function and subsequent Result.
  2. Click the Tools tab and Choose the Google Streetview icon.
  3. A second map window for Streetview appears below the main map. Click on the second icon in the top right of Streeview window to centre Streetview to the main map. A blue pointer will appear on the main map which can then be used to re-orientate Streetview as required.
  4. By clicking on the Pin icon in the top left of the Streetview window The browser should open a new tab or browser window showing the equivalent Google Maps location.

Method 2:

  1. Navigate to a Street using the Search..function and subsequent Result..
  2. Right click in the Street.
  3. Choose Open Streetview Here.
  4. A second map window for Streetview appears below the main map. Click on the second icon in the top right of Streeview window to centre Streetview to the main map. A blue pointer will appear on the main map which can then be used to re-orientate Streetview as required.
  5. By clicking on the Pin icon in the top left of the Streetview window The browser should open a new tab or browser window showing the equivalent Google Maps location.

The browser should open a new tab or browser window showing the equivalent Google Maps location.

Further Assistance

Help videos are available here:

For further assistance on how to use this interactive web mapping application, contact the GIS section at Bundaberg Regional Council on 1300 883 699.