Water Pollution

Why is pollution a problem?

Water is a scarce and essential natural resource. Conserving and maintaining water quality is especially important in Australia, the world’s driest, inhabited continent. Preventing or reducing water pollution protects our water quality and is essential to maintaining the health of our environment and our own quality of life.

The Bundaberg Region essentially empties into the Great Sandy Marine Park which is home to sponges, algae, corals, turtles, sea snakes and 300+ species of fish. Within this marine park is Mon Repos, the home of the largest loggerhead turtle nesting population located in the South Pacific Ocean region which is a popular tourist attraction.

It is vital to reduce the amount of stormwater pollution entering into the environment to secure the future of ocean creatures, tourism, fishing (industry and recreation) and the overall perception and appeal of the Bundaberg Region.

Sources of pollution

The following are some of the sources of water pollution:

  • Industry,
    • Pollution to our waterways can occur through direct discharge and contamination of soil. Industry needs to be careful with the types of waste chemicals and materials that are discharged to the environment. Council has a Trade Waste policy that sets the standard of Industrial Waste allowed into the sewerage system.
  • Sewage treatment plants,
  • Building and development sites,
  • Streets and footpaths.

Additionally, individuals/households pollute water by littering, disposing of oils down drains, washing cars on an impervious surface, cleaning paint brushes and using chemicals on their gardens. These pollutants (prescribed water contaminants) are then washed or blown into stormwater drains and local waterways, causing harm to natural ecosystems and reducing the quality of the water essential for use by people and industry.

Under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 it is an offence (whether wilfully or unwilfully) to:

  • deposit a prescribed water contaminant into waters; or in a roadside gutter or stormwater drainage
  • deposit a prescribed water contaminant in a place where it could potentially wash, blow, fall or otherwise move into waters; or in a roadside gutter or stormwater drainage
  • release stormwater run-off which results in the build-up of earth in waters; a roadside gutter or stormwater drainage.

Prescribed water contaminants

Prescribed water contaminants include pollutants such as chemicals, oil, paint, animal matter, plant matter, rubbish, sewage and wastewater from outdoor cleaning processes.

Environmental Protection Regulation 2019 – Schedule 10 lists the materials which are prescribed as water contaminants.

Mobile cleaning and trade businesses

Run-off from roads, drains and gutters causes poor waterway quality and can be harmful to fish and wildlife. Mobile cleaning and trade businesses can help stop pollutants like detergents, oils and pesticides entering our stormwater system.

This information will help you if you operate:

  • pet hydro bath or mobile dog washing units,
  • car washing,
  • carpet cleaning,
  • steam and high-pressure cleaning,
  • trades,
  • brick and paver cutting,
  • aggregate driveway laying,
  • roof cleaning or recoating.

Ways your business can help

  • Where wastewater consists only of soil and organic matter (no oil or chemicals) it is suitable to dispose of waste water into a garden or grassed area.
  • Wastewater containing any oil or chemicals must be collected by an appropriate regulated waste company. For permanent situations, approval from your water authority must be obtained for waste to be disposed of via the sewer system under a Trade Waste permit.
  • Use sandbags or a portable bund to prevent waste water from entering drains.
  • Sweep up all waste material rather than hosing down.
  • Avoid using detergents, oils, pesticides or chemicals near drains, gutters and waterways.
  • Work on a grassed or gravelled area away from drains, roadside gutters and waterways.
  • Use a bucket to collect waste water for reuse or proper disposal.
  • Store all detergents, solvents, oils or any other chemicals in a secure area.
  • Collect all waste and use a licensed recycling operator or disposal facility.
  • Clean up spills or leaks using dry absorbent materials such as kitty litter, rags or a bund.
  • Use as little water as possible, or use trigger hoses where necessary.
  • Ensure all staff are aware of their environmental responsibilities.

The Law

Under the Environmental Protection Act 1994, allowing polluted wastewater to enter stormwater drains and roadside gutters and waterways is an offence and may attract a fine to the value of 15 penalty units (individual) or 75 penalty units (corporation).

This information is also available as a mobile cleaning & trade businesses fact sheet

Roof cleaning and restoration

Wastewater from roof cleaning can flow directly into our creeks, rivers and waterways.

Stormwater pollution – the effects of roof cleaning

Roof and gutter downpipes connect directly to roadside gutters, stormwater drains and into our waterways. This means wastewater run-off from roof cleaning ends up in our creeks, rivers and the ocean. Pollutants, such as oxides, algae, paint flakes, concrete and sediment can kill seagrass, aquatic plants and marine life. By taking some simple precautions when cleaning and restoring roofs, you can help protect our waterways.

The Law

Allowing polluted wastewater to enter stormwater drains, roadside gutters or waterways is an offence under the Environmental Protection Act 1994 and may attract a fine to the value of 15 penalty units (individual) or 75 penalty units (corporation), or prosecution for multiple offences. See the penalty unit page for more information about penalty units. In addition, using water blasters on asbestos cement roofs is illegal. Cleaning a fibro roof with a high pressure water blaster is illegal as it can destroy the roof surface, cause cement debris or asbestos to spray into the air, and result in widespread contamination.

Protecting the environment

We all share the responsibility of keeping our waterways clean and must ensure only clean water enters out stormwater systems. Below are some options that you could use when cleaning:

  • if possible, disconnect downpipes and redirect wastewater to the garden, or to a holding tank for disposal by a licensed liquid waste disposal contractor,
  • if disconnecting downpipes is not possible, block the downpipe and feed the wastewater onto lawns or gardens,
  • hole may be drilled in the gutter or downpipe, the downpipe blocked (below the hole) and water diverted to garden beds. When complete, the hole can be plugged with a grommet,
  • use sandbags or a portable bund (a barrier to contain water) in the roadside gutter to protect stormwater drains from accidentals spills and runoff.

Other helpful tips

  • Always keep a spill response kit, including a shovel, broom and rags, to clean-up residues nearby. Do not wash or hose remaining waste material into the stormwater drain.
  • Keep cleaning times to a minimum.
  • Be aware that wastewater from some houses may drain directly into a nearby waterway or subsurface stormwater pipe (not to a roadside gutter). In this case, downpipes must be disconnected and the water drained to a soakage area, such as, the garden or lawn.
  • If wastewater does accidently drain to the stormwater gutter, remove all captured wastewater as soon as possible using a vacuum or bilge pump and direct to lawns or gardens, making sure no wastewater flows into the stormwater drain.
  • Sandbags and portable bunds in the roadside gutter will capture accidental spills and runoff. They are not designed to hold wastewater from a full roof clean.
  • For business owners, please ensure all of your staff are aware of these requirements.

This information is also available as a roof cleaning & restoration fact sheet.

Who is responsible for investigating complaints?

Council only has jurisdiction to act on certain complaints, and shares the responsibility of water pollution issues with other government bodies. Please refer to the information below which outlines authorities for various water pollution types.

Complaint Relevant Contact
Local road or waterway - occurring on residential land and some commercial land Council's Environmental Health Services
Emergency Response State road, highway or motorway Department of Environment and Science & Department of Transport and Main Roads
Major waterway (e.g. river, broad water, ocean, bay) Maritime Safety Queensland- Bundaberg Office on 07 4132 6600
Fish Kill < 50 fish Council's Environmental Health Services
> 50 fish Department of Environment and Science
Rubbish, cement, oil, paint etc Council's Environmental Health Services
Release of Contaminants Bilge water (boat) Maritime Safety Queensland- Bundaberg Office on 07 4132 6600
Soil and sediment from a building or development site Contact Council for further clarification. In addition to responsibilities under the Environmental Protection Act 1994, property developers and contractors are subject to the Planning Act 2016. They may have conditions on their approval about sediment and erosion control.
Soil and sediment from a State Government or Council development site Department of Environment and Science