Community Environment Program

Looking to volunteer and assist in improving your local environment?

Join the Community Environment Program and volunteer with passionate locals who dedicate time and energy into re-vegetating their local areas.

For more information contact the Natural Resource Management section on 1300 883 699 or by email at

Active community groups:

Friends of Archies Beach (Bargara)
Phone: (07) 4159 2532

Isis Bushcare (Childers)

Friends of Rifle Range Creek (Bargara)
Phone: 0429 620 773

Environmental Events

Bundaberg Regional Council participates and supports several environmental events throughout the year. For further details on local activities or to request Council's support for your own activity, contact the Natural Resource Management section on 1300 883 699 or email Council at

Nationally celebrated environmental events

Month Event Further Information
February World Wetland Day Link
March Cleanup Australian Day Link
June World Environment Day Link
July National Tree Day and Schools Tree Day Link
September Threatened Species Day Link

For a comprehensive list of environmental events visit Department of the Environment and Energy website below.

Department of the Environment and Energy