Advisory group and organisations
In 2010, Bundaberg Regional Council established a Community Conservation Advisory Group (CCAG).
The advisory group provides a platform to address conservation issues, swap information, coordinate conservation-based work, collaborate on projects and review Council's natural area management plans. The meetings are also a forum where representatives from other government agencies and natural resource management professionals can provide advice and assistance on specific issues.
Minutes of the meetings of the Group are available upon request by contacting Council’s Natural Resource Management section on 1300 883 699.
Community Conservation Organisations
The Bundaberg Region is well represented with a range of conservation organisations helping to protect and enhance the environment, educate the general community and lobby decision makers.
- Birdlife Bundaberg
A group of dedicated birdwatchers which welcomes visitors to monthly field outings. The group has produced a brochure called "Birds of Bundaberg" which lists the bird species which can be found in the area and good birdwatching locations.
Visit Birdlife Bundaberg
- Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland
This group formed in 1969 and is concerned about pressure from development on natural areas, especially the coast. It welcomes new members who share a passion that urban developments should be environmentally responsible and sustainable.
Visit Wildlife Queensland
- Bundaberg and District Urban Landcare Association Inc.
A not-for-profit organisation dedicated to informing and involving the community in caring for our environment. The Association also operates a plant nursery.
Email Bundaberg Landcare
- Gin Gin Landcare and Bush Food Garden
A native nursery that is part of a national network of thousands of locally- based community groups who are for the natural resources of our country.
Visit Gin Gin landcare on Facebook
- Wide Bay Burnett Environmental Council
An environmental advocacy group which acts as an umbrella group for several conservation organisations.
Wide Bay Burnett Environmental Council