Our beaches

The Bundaberg Region boasts some of the most beautiful beaches in Australia. There are many to choose from with Bargara being only 15 minutes from Bundaberg City. Elliott Heads, Moore Park Beach, Burnett Heads, Innes Park and Woodgate Beach all offer beautiful swimming and family fun areas.

Queensland Surf Life Saving provides patrols at a number of our local beaches on weekends and school holidays. Bundaberg Regional Council financially supports the patrol initiatives of the local Surf Life Saving Clubs:

  • Moore Park Surf Life Saving Club
    Moore Park Beach
  • Oaks Beach (Burnett Heads)
    There are currently no services provided by Surf Life Saving Australia for this beach.
  • Bundaberg Surf Life Saving Club
    Nielson Beach (Bargara)
    Kellys Beach (Bargara)
  • Elliott Heads Surf Life Saving Club
    Elliott Heads Beach

Check the Beach Safe website for an update of scheduled patrols.

Moneys Creek Causeway Gate Operation Guidelines - 2024

Bundaberg Regional Council regularly opens the tide gates on the causeway located at Moneys Creek Lagoon near Kellys Beach, Bargara. The gates are operated in conjunction with tides that are high enough to allow sea water to enter the lagoon, and to enable the lagoon water to flush out, allowing a mix of fresh and salt water and the movement of fish through the causeway. This is typically carried out once a month in conjunction with either a ‘full’ or a ‘new’ moon tide.

Other circumstances in which Council may operate these gates include large rainfall events to alleviate the backing up of storm water in the Moneys Creek system, or to manage dissolved oxygen levels in the lagoon when temperatures are very high and no rainfall is predicted. These two modes of operation are important for managing infrastructure and for managing the quality of the water in extreme weather conditions.

Council aims to avoid peak times for beach goers, such as school and public holidays and weekends. The operation of the tide gates does force the closure of the bathing area located on the beachside (eastern side) of the causeway on Moneys Creek outlet. This area is closed off for safety when tide gates are in operation so please pay attention to the NO SWIMMING signs located throughout this area.

Please note that this timetable is a guide and may be subject to change for example due to climatic variation, environmental conditions and for safety.

This tide gate operation timetable has been developed using the Bundaberg (Burnett Heads) Tide Table Copyright of the Bureau of Meteorology. The full tide chart, and relevant disclaimers, can be viewed here.

Please contact Council’s Natural Resource Management Section on 1300 883 699 if further information is required.

4WD and our beaches

Driving on the beach is a popular activity along the coast of Queensland. Due to the fragile nature of the coastline 4WD activity is restricted to two beaches in the Bundaberg Region.

  • Moore Park Beach
    • North – vehicle access is in Royal Palms, north of Sylvan Drive, with vehicles only able to travel north towards the Kolan River.
    • South – vehicle entrance point is via Lassig Street, with south travel only.
  • Woodgate Beach
    • South – vehicle access is from the southern-most beach access, with vehicles only able to travel south towards the Burrum River.

When driving on our beaches, be considerate of other beach users. Stay alert, all Queensland road rules apply and drive carefully. Use only designated access points to the beach, keep off the sand dunes and drive on the hard sand between the low and high tide mark.

The sand dune environment is fragile, coastal grasses and plants are easily damaged. The vegetated dunes are an important ecosystem, providing habitat for wildlife and nesting turtles and absorbing wave energy during storms and cyclones.

Beach driving can be carried out responsibly and have a low impact by following some simple guidelines:

  • Observe all the laws and regulations relating to the use of vehicles on beaches
  • Access tracks can change quickly, always use designated access tracks and check conditions
  • Protect your vehicle, drive on the hard sand between low and high tide
  • Drive on the beach around the low tide time, don’t risk being stuck as the tide rises
  • Driving on dunes is dangerous, protect your vehicle and the environment, don’t drive on the sand dunes
  • Allow shorebirds to rest, they may have travelled long distances, please do not disturb them
  • Drive during the day, turtles can emerge any time of the night and early morning
  • Keep a look out for hatchling turtles, they can be hard to see
  • Carry your rubbish home, if others have left a mess consider cleaning it up.

Council is taking steps to ensure our beaches are safe and enjoyable by undertaking beach patrols to check on unlawful use of 4WD vehicles in restricted areas.

Don’t ‘bust dunes’ protect them! For more information the Department of Environment and Science provide a Driving on Sand Safety Guide.