What is RTI and IP?

We are making it easier for you to access information managed by us. This includes information about our policies, financial reports, public registers and documents relating to our decisions. We have in place appropriate protections for certain information, including personal information.

Right to information

The Right to Information Act 2009 (RTI Act) and Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act) aims to make more information available, provide equal access to information across all sectors of the community, and provide appropriate protection for individuals' privacy. This legislation replaces the former Freedom of Information Act 1992.

The right to information gives you the right to access and amend information held by public sector agencies in Queensland, unless there is a good reason for it not to be provided. You have the right to access your personal information held by Council under the IP Act. You have the right to access personal and non-personal information held by Council under the RTI Act.

This does not include information that is already available under an existing access arrangement, such as Council minutes, which are available without application under RTI.

More information about RTI can be found on the Queensland Government webpage.

Information Privacy and Right to Information Policy

Information privacy

The IP Act guides how you can:

  • access your personal information; or
  • advise us about any changes or amendments to your personal information.

This legislation also guides how Council manages your personal information. Council's Privacy Statement explains how Council protects your privacy and manages personal information.

External enforcement agencies

Agencies can request personal information including CCTV and Body Worn Camera footage by submitting the form below or by contacting Council's RTI team.

Requests will be assessed and footage will only be released to authorised law enforcement agencies for investigation purposes.

Personal Information Request - Queensland Police Service

Personal Information Request - External Agencies

More information about Council's processes can be found by contacting the RTI team.