Publication scheme

Our publication scheme describes and categorises information routinely available from Council. It has been developed to give the community greater access to information held by government. The purpose of this is to present a consolidated, user-friendly, comprehensive overview of Council's organisation, its relationship to the community and the various avenues for public access to Council's administrative and political processes.

The information in the publication scheme is grouped into several classes:

Our priorities (What our priorities are and how we are doing)

Our policies (Our policies and procedures)

Access to information in alternative format

The documents that are accessed on our website are available in PDF format. If you are unable to access these documents, please ensure you have the most recent version of Adobe Reader. Alternatively, please contact Council and we will assist in providing an alternative format.

Access to documents may incur charges if requested in an alternative format.

Feedback about the publication scheme

To submit feedback or make a complaint about the publication scheme:

Complaints will be processed in accordance with our Complaints Management Policy and Council's Privacy Statement.