Access and amend your personal information

What is personal information

Personal information is information or opinion about an individual whos identify is apparent, or can reasonably be ascertained from the information or opinion. Examples of personal information include:

  • a person's name, address, phone number or email address
  • a photograph of a person
  • the fact that a person is a member, or leader, of an association and their attendance at meetings
  • a person's medical details or health information
  • details about a person's religious or sexual preferences
  • details about a person's membership of a trade union or professional body

How to access personal information

Access to documents that relate to an individual's personal information can be accessed by making formal application or a request can be lodged by:

  • Email to
  • Posted to Right to Information, Bundaberg Regional Council, PO Box 3131, Bundaberg Q 4670
  • Over the counter at a service centre

There is no application fee or processing charges for access to your own personal information. Access charges can apply if you require photocopies of documents provided.

RTI/IP Access Application Form

How to amend personal information

If any documents provided to you, either through normal access or a formal application, contain inaccurate, out of date, incomplete or misleading personal information about you, you can request to have the information amended.

In most cases, this is achieved informally by contacting Council and providing advice to the department responsible that the information is incorrect, e.g. an incorrect address on a rate notice or incorrect dog registration information.

Alternatively, a formal request to amend your personal information can be made and submitted to Council's RTI/IP Decision Maker.

Information Privacy Personal Information Amendment Application

No application fee or processing charge is required when making an amendment application.