What is a complaint?
Council welcomes your feedback. If your feedback is in the form of a complaint you can be assured it will be handled in a fair, prompt, consistent and confidential manner.
Report an issue/request for service
If you are advising us of a problem or issue such as a pothole, water supply issue, barking dog etc. you are encouraged to use the Contact Council Online form or contact Council by email to ceo@bundaberg.qld.gov.au. You may also speak with our Customer Call Centre on 1300 883 699 to lodge your request.
If you have tried to resolve the matter with the relevant branch and are dissatisfied with the outcome, you may consider lodging a formal complaint under the Complaints Management Policy.
Complaints Management Policy
Council's Complaints Management Policy provides information about how Council will deal with various complaints received from residents, customers and ratepayers ensuring all complaints are dealt with confidentially, fairly, promptly and respectfully.
There are a number of complaint categories to consider:
Will my identity remain confidential when I lodge a complaint?
Yes. Council must comply with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act) when dealing with personal information. Under the IP Act, personal information of a complainant including name and address will not be given to any other person without your consent or unless we are required to by law.
Council will use personal information collected for the purpose of investigating your complaint and to remain in contact with you.
Your personal information is handled in accordance with Council's Privacy Statement and the IP Act.
Anonymous complaints
Council is committed to treating all complaints with appropriate respect for the confidentiality and privacy of the parties involved, including anonymous complaints received.
However, it is important to note that unless there are sufficient details included in the complaint, it may be difficult for Council to fully investigate the matter, request further information or provide feedback to the complainant.