Public interest disclosure

A public interest disclosure (PID) is a disclosure about wrongdoing in the public sector that serves the public interest. Council is committed to encouraging the reporting of wrongdoing or misconduct within Council.

For an allegation to be considered a PID under the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2010, it must be an appropriate disclosure about public interest information made to a proper authority.

Who can make a PID?

Any person can make a disclosure about:

  • Substantial and specific danger to health and safety of a person with a disability
  • Substantial and specific danger to the environment
  • Reprisal action

A public officer (Councillor or officer of Council) can also make a disclosure about:

  • Corrupt conduct
  • Maladministration that adversely affects a person's interest in a substantial and specific way
  • Substantial misuse of public resources
  • Significant and substantial danger to public health or safety
  • Significant and substantial danger to the environment

What is reprisal?

This occurs when any person causes or attempts to cause detriment to another person because of, or in the belief that a person has made or may make a PID.

How to make a complaint?

You can make disclosure to the Public Interest Disclosure Coordinator:

If you require assistance making a complaint, contact Council's call centre on 1300 883 699.

More information

Council's Public Interest Disclosure Procedure provides clear guidance on how Council will handle and deal with PIDs.