Privacy complaint
In accordance with the Information Privacy Act 2009 (IP Act) Council has a Privacy Statement which outlines how personal information will be collected and managed.
The IP Act contains two sets of rules:
- How individuals access and amend their own personal information; and
- 11 Information Privacy Principles (IPPs).
What is a privacy complaint
A person who considers Council has not dealt with their personal information in accordance with the IP Act may lodge a privacy complaint.
Who can make a privacy complaint
Generally, a person can only make a complaint about their own personal information. However:
- An agent (e.g. lawyer) may complain on behalf of a person, if authorised to do so; or
- A parent may complain on behalf of their child.
Submitting a complaint
You can make a complaint:
If you require assistance making a complaint, contact Council's call centre on 1300 883 699.
If the complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, and more than 45 business days have passed since the complaint was made, you can refer your complaint to the Office of Information Commissioner.