Administrative Action Complaint
Council has implemented a process to deal with Administrative Action Complaints in accordance with requirements of the Local Government Regulation 2012 for resolving complaints by an affected person about administrative actions.
Who can make a complaint?
A complaint can be made by an affected person who is directly affected by an administrative action of Council. An administrative action means a decision, an act or failure to act by Council.
An alleged breach of a persons privacy or human right is also classified and handled under this procedure.
Administrative Action Complaint Procedure(PDF, 729KB)
How to make a complaint?
You can make a complaint:
- By completing the complaint form
- In writing and addressed to the Chief Executive Officer by post or email to
- By calling Council's call centre on 1300 883 699
- Over the counter at a service centre
If you require assistance making a complaint, contact Council's call centre on 1300 883 699.
Administrative Action Complaint Form
How will Council deal with my complaint?
Council will acknowledge receipt of a complaint within five business days. You will receive written advice of the outcome of your complaint including the reasons for the decision within:
- 20 business days for a simple matter.
- 30 business days for more complex issues.
Where necessary, the complainant may be contacted to provide additional information in support of issues raised so that Council is in a position to correctly assess and investigate the matter.