Leasing and land sales

Community leases

Council recognises the important role not-for-profit sport, recreation and community organisations play in our region and is dedicated to supporting these groups by developing diverse partnerships through the provision of land and facilities.

Council offers several flexible tenure options, including Permits, Leases and Licences to assist these organisations.

Basic requirements

Groups interested in making an application for tenure should meet the following criteria:

  • be an incorporated entity capable of entering into agreements;
  • be a non-commercial and community orientated organisation;
  • have a fixed postal address;
  • be able to maintain a $20 million public liability insurance policy; and
  • be able to demonstrate an ability to meet the financial, legal and maintenance obligations under a lease, permit or licence.


An application form, together with any relevant supporting documentation helpful in assessing the application, may be returned to Council's Property and Leases Officer by:

Tenure Application Form

More information

Council has prepared a guideline to assist organisations when applying to Council for tenure.

Guildines for Tenure (Leasing of Community Land)

Helpful links

  • Community Door – a portal for Queensland community organisations to access information and link with other organisations in the space. Funded by Queensland Department of Communities, Disability Services and Seniors.
  • QGov Associations, Charities and Not-for-profits – the official state government webspace dedicated to community-based organisations. Contains links to enable incorporation of an entity as well as other information and governing regulations.

Should you or your group have any queries or would like some assistance, please don't hesitate to contact Council's Property and Leases Officer or our Venues and Facilities Team on 1300 883 699.

Lease Spaces - Ag Hub, Bargara

Bundaberg Regional Council has designated the previous Bargara administration building as a hub for tenants that are agriculture based or connected to the agricultural supply chain.

Space Size (sqm) Description Rent per annum

Single tenant preferred. Two tenants strongly considered if no single tenant identified

Sub area A– 232

Sub area B– 120
Multiple rooms & spaces. Area may be split into two leases: sub-areas 1A and 1B along the red line indicated in Figure 2. Area A incorporates toilets.

Carpark allocation: 15
$125,000 + GST (entire lease area)
Single tenant only
100 Currently fitted as Training/function space. Incorporates kitchenette and small storeroom.
Carpark allocation: 5
$40,000 + GST
Single tenant only
318 See Figure 3 on page 19, 11 offices, 2 storerooms, large central open space, kitchenette area.
Carpark allocation: 15
$115,000 + GST
Single tenant only
12 Enclosed room with access from foyer.
Carpark allocation: 1
$6,000 + GST
Single tenant only
8 Enclosed room with access from foyer.
Carpark allocation: 1
$4,000 + GST
Single tenant only
33.4 Enclosed room with access from foyer. Includes former cleaners room with vanity unit
Carpark allocation: 1
$17,000 + GST
Single tenant only
14 Enclosed room.
Carpark allocation: 1
$7,000 + GST

Miscellaneous Sales and Leases


Property Address Property Description Area Requirements  Price + GST
41 Von Deest Street, Kensington

Lot 128 on RP13529 

4.047 ha Subject to an Easement being
placed over the drain
$1,200,000 + GST
Bargara Road, Qunaba  Lot 3 on SP158521 8,207m2    $1,225,000 + GST
Lot 5 Buxton Road, Buxton  Lot 5 on RP182416 101.9624 ha

Subject to access easement
being registered

 $525,000 + GST
 Lot 7 Buxton Road, Buxton  Lot 7 on RP182416 483.4 ha    $700,000 + GST
 12A Pizzey Street, Childers Lot 3 on SP217902 782m2

Minor works to be undertaken by
Council to remedy encroachment
of road into Lot prior to Settlement

 $175,000 + GST
 12 Pizzey Street, Childers Lot 4 on SP217902 783m2    $175,000 + GST
 3 Jocumsen Street, Kepnock Lot 4 on SP207696 1,030m2    $160,000 + GST
 1 Dear Street, Gin Gin  Lot 413 on G2311 1,244m2
   $180,000 + GST


Property Address Property Description Area Purpose of Lease Term Price
241 Lindemans Road, Moore Park Lot 15 on RP83487 28.834 Ha Crops 5 years $21,600 + GST pa
fixed 3% annual rent increases