May Mitchell - Division 9


May Mitchell headshot

Division 9 Map

May moved to Bundaberg in 1994. May was first elected to Council in 2020, and lives in the division she represents.

May’s extensive local government experience commenced in 1982, holding positions at Mt Isa City Council, Thuringowa City Council (Townsville), Bundaberg City Council and Bundaberg Regional Council where, up until being elected in 2020, May held a senior role in Council’s revenue area. For the first term 2020-2024 May held the Health – Compliance and Enforcement portfolio and now holds the Governance and Integrity portfolio and is a member of Council’s Audit and Risk Committee.

As an elected member of Council, May serves the local community and surrounding areas as a proactive representative with a passion to improve the lifestyle and liveability of the Bundaberg Region.

May is a staunch supporter of further developing outdoor and recreational opportunities for families and residents across the region. As a Council representative who will always listen to the concerns of residents and give residents a voice, May is committed to working with her fellow Councillors and Council staff to achieve plentiful and well-designed outdoor spaces, pathways and bikeways.

As a Councillor who is well aware of the potential of the Bundaberg Region, May welcomes initiatives that will continue to drive a resilient local economy. This can be achieved where agriculture, manufacturing, residential and commercial development and tourism opportunities are embraced yet complement one another.

She is motivated to encouraging a diverse range of industries to see Bundaberg or its regions as the location in which they want to establish and invest.

May is a member of Coral Isle Cyclists Inc. She has also held positions in Neighbourhood Watch, been a Toastmasters member and a non-executive board member of Community Lifestyle Support Ltd (Disability and Community Services).

Register of Interests - Cr May Mitchell(PDF, 2MB)