Strategies and advisory groups

Bundaberg Region Sport and Recreation Strategy

The Regional Sport and Recreation Strategy 2018-2028 will guide and structure the delivery of sport and recreation programs and infrastructure for the next decade across the Bundaberg Region.

The strategy clearly highlights the need for a collaborative approach to the provision of sport and recreation with Council working with organisations like the PCYC, YMCA, government departments and established local sport and recreation clubs.

Recommendations contained within an action plan have prioritised upgrades to existing facilities scaled on a high to low priority basis.

Sport and recreation is one avenue that can help to improve the quality of life and well-being of the community while delivering far-reaching social, economic, environment and health benefits.

Sport and Recreation Strategy 2018-2028(PDF, 12MB)

Wide Bay Burnett Regional Recreation and Sport Strategy

Over the next 25 years, the Wide Bay Burnett is expecting a population increase in the order of 180,000 people and it is important that the lifestyle infrastructure is in place to support this population. In supporting the Wide Bay Burnett Regional Plan, this strategy seeks to identify the region’s recreation and sport requirements for the future.

The identification of these needs will assist Councils within the region (Bundaberg, Fraser Coast, Gympie, North Burnett and South Burnett Regional Councils and Cherbourg Aboriginal Council) to plan for future land and facility provision in areas that will have the population to sustain them.

While other avenues exist to support the development of sport at a local and state level, this strategy focuses on a range of regional level sport and recreation facilities.

The term regional, as used in this Strategy, means serving the needs of the Wide Bay Burnett or a significant proportion of it.

Wide Bay Burnett Regional Recreation and Sport Strategy(PDF, 3MB)

Bundaberg Region Sports and Recreation Advisory Group

The Bundaberg Region Sports and Recreation Advisory Group (BRSRAG) was established as a result of a key recommendation of the Bundaberg Regional Sport and Recreation Strategy. The advisory group, comprised of key Council personnel and members representing community sport and recreation groups, meets four times per calendar year.

Objectives of the BRSRAG are to:

  • provide strategic advice and input relating to the development of Council’s Sport and Recreation strategies and policies
  • engage in discussions regarding “special interest” sport and recreation topics as determined by Council
  • participate in the ongoing consultation, review and implementation of sporting and recreational strategic documents
  • provide input into Council’s processes relating to sport and recreation where requested e.g. provide feedback regarding projects to be considered by Council for submission to grant programs

Terms of reference and meeting minutes associated with this group are available upon request to Council.

EOI - Information Package(PDF, 1MB)

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Bundaberg Regional Cycling Reference Group

The Bundaberg Regional Cycling Reference Group (BRCRG) aims to make Bundaberg the most cycle friendly region in Queensland. Established in 2011, the group meets four times per calendar year and is comprised of representatives from local cycling organisations and representatives from State and Local Government.

Objectives of the BRCRG is to assist Council by:

  • implementing aspects of Regional Plans and Strategies associated with cycling eg Regional Sport and Recreation Strategy, Principle Cycle Network Plan
  • providing advice to Council on the development, management and promotion of cycling within the region
  • promoting community environments and transport systems that support cycling
  • promoting cycle safety and education of all road users and as a liaison group to relevant sport and recreation groups, associations, schools and individuals within the community

Terms of reference and meeting minutes associated with this group are available upon request to Council.