This resource has been created to assist your/ group's success. The principles identified are best practice and can be used for community groups and clubs.
Follow the below six simple steps to start a new club.
Call and plan a meeting with potential members. The following needs to be included and noted in the official minutes(DOCX, 39KB).
Create a constitution (otherwise known as 'Model Rules') to govern how the club will run.
At this meeting, the following must be acknowledged in the agenda:
You must register the club and acquire an Australian Business Number (ABN) through the Australian Business Register.
The name of the official association to be registered with Office of Fair Trading must be used for the bank account. Please note the majority of banks require three signatories and the bank account must be at a Queensland branch
To submit the application for incorporation with OFT you will require a copy of the minutes and agenda accepting constitution/ model rules. There will be fees that apply.
Please note:
You can find more resources below and on the Sport Australia Gameplan website.
Join the Bundaberg Sports Network to share, connect and learn with other clubs in the region. Contact Council's Community Development team on 4130 4150 or