Don't endanger yourself, your family or your neighbours by trying to remove or demolish asbestos yourself.
If you are renovating your home and you suspect it has asbestos products, we strongly recommend that you contact a certified asbestos contractor. They are licensed to carry out any removal or disposal work safely.
If felt underlay is present under carpets, it is recommended that it is professionally removed and the work site cleaned of all dust in a manner that does not create airborne dust. Access to the site should be restricted to those involved in the work with the necessary safety equipment.
Asbestos removal contractors can also provide a specially lined bin for trades people to use during renovations. Once renovations are completed, the asbestos removal contractors will collect the bin and dispose of asbestos safely for you.
Acquire the services of a licensed asbestos contractor prior to works if you suspect an area has asbestos material. They are listed in the yellow pages and here.