Sport Championship Funding Program up to $5,000

The aim of the Sport Championship Funding Program is to attract financially viable sporting events to the Bundaberg Region, recognised by the relevant sporting authority.

There are three distinctive sport event categories within the Sport Championship Funding Program:

  • International/National Sporting Event - attracts international or national participation of greater than 20% of total participants to the Bundaberg Region.
  • State Sporting Event - attracts statewide participation with a majority of the total participants from outside the Bundaberg Region.
  • Regional Significant Sporting Event - attracts regional participation with a majority of the total participants from outside the Bundaberg Region

Applications for the Sport Championship Program are open all year round until funds are expended.

For eligibility, please refer to the Sport Championship Program guidelines.

Please direct your enquiries concerning the Sport Championship Program to Council’s Sport and Recreation Team Unit on 1300 883 699 or email us at